Monday, August 29, 2016



The lips of wisdom are sealed, except to the ears of understanding.
Is man the enemy of nature? 
In the Animal farm book by the legendary author George Orwell. He concludes in his writing by stating "the time will come, that, no one will be able to distinguish between a four legged swine and the two legged man, the characteristic are identical in terms of their filth and greedy nature". This prophetic prediction it was forecast in the early fifties in the midst of the evil industrial revolution.
Today our message it continues to ring in the ears of those who can listen but do not ignore what they hear... .  
Every time when I leave my place of residence onto the city for my essentials.
  My soul begins to ache, of what the two legged normal activities and actions are all about, for most, but at times it seems that they all are mispositioned in static and mad in their ways. 
At this juncture where one cannot help but to notice, the loathsomeness of the wholsale 
  Incarcerations of the animal kingdom, that is, on both sides of the highway, In the two legged homes (animal man) In the zoo parks, Circuses, and in their shopping carts, for their debased nature and selfish amusements of exploitation. Just as the fascistic Romans had enjoyed their practises of cruelty of the grisly Savage behaviour by impaling their subjected and subjugated prisoners on both sides of the traveling roads, to instill fear in the hearts and minds of the citizens. Today, the tradition continues on the highway and byway of the two legged against one another and towards the Animal Kingdom and nature. 


You have taken us hostages amongst your possessions as a possession and
 your reason is, for the illusion of Monetary gain, right in our home planet with audacity you exploit our resources to soothe your shallow lowly personalities of desires and intense obsessiveness for trinkets, with your game of monopoly printed paper money you buy and sell our flesh and blood. It is not enough that you exploit one another, you have expanded your ambitious ambiguous barbarism upon our ANIMAL KINGDOM, In a constant pursuit to murder our mother father GAIA .
 WE, THE ANIMAL KINGDOM we are conveying an ultimatum to the two legged creatures. (lowly animal man)
 You're parasitic nature have carved our mother father home planet, and traded it's resources in your very traitorous nature, you have cut down its flora and you keep on murdering its fauna, you mow down the forests as you mow down you purposeless lawns. To build houses that lays vacant. You reward your selves with thievery in addition to your thoughtless actions you lock us up to a confined prisons, there are no roofs for our shelters to protect our rightful well being from the harsh whether elements, because you have cut down the ageless majestic trees which is the hair and pores of our Mother Gaia, that use to cradle us in her bosom, but now, she is mostly naked and drying up from all the desertification resulting in horrible weather conditions, every one of you have been a loyal participant in creating these nightmarish anomalies, unforgiving extreme heat that followed by brutal cold which turns our hides into crisp. The birds of the air have no safe place to rest and nest but in your miserable cage soon to trade us to satisfy your never ending hunger. You're unhealthy eating habits from our flesh is full of desperation and sadness that we pass back onto you permeating  the stricken stinking air of the current global environment that the two legged had impressed upon us and nature, that is the reason most of you are plagued with physical diseases and mental illnesses. Our whisperings from afar and near and in between we hear the pseudo cry of the two legged desperately shouting for our forgiveness, you may never find it, we post our awareness and warnings of your demise that banners all the rout of the modern Roman oppressive impairment ideologies. In this difficult breathable air of our call to one another in our Kingdom once more it will be free from these two legged barbarians. You use us and abuse us and what ever nature provides, the first chance you come into contact with its bounties, you inherit it unjustly, in return, you reward us with insecticide and herbicide laced straw and occasionally we get to taste the GMO grain that makes us ill onto our physical deaths. In your slaughter houses you stun us... while we are shocked but still alive... We drench you with our blood while you invert us our spirit it will never die neither we will forget your heinous deeds against the supreme creations. You strip our hide, and debowel us, while we still breathing. Out of our fur you make boots and habiliments to wear us thinking out of your thoughtless minds you will gain our power by assimilating us. Then you go on to make fancy furniture for your desolate houses, that are full of robed goods. As for you're polluting auto mobiles, you make seats and blankets out of our hide and feathers, to comfort your selves, and cover up your shame. You make trophies out of our heads and stuff us to stand motionless in your prisoned crumbling mansions... that are full of fear and hate, for your friends amusements over dinner table devouring our flesh washing it down into your fat over fed bellies with drunkenness and vulgarity laced by your useless chatter and gossips about each other. Our spirit it will never die, ever so watchful over your abominations and crimes. You ride our backs and harshly work us, whip us physically and mentally abuse us and you call that training, to bend us to your evil ways, referring to this cruel proses, sports, so you can present your selves with a colored ribbon and a paper with your names labeled on it, to confirm your meaningless existence, you exalt your selves amongst your selves and every now and then you mention us in your propaganda to receive self pity from each other and your victims for your unkind acts that is veiled with fabricated righteousness. Your self glory is robed from the sweat of our backs by enslaving us, for your lives of torment to complement your ever lasting cry that will never cease and there is no safety any longer for the weary cannot rest nor can they have peace. Our whispering it continues on reverberating in the minds of the two legged, have you not heard of our declaration us little cuddly pets? Our eyes and ears have infiltrated your very core, our live streaming cameras transmitting constantly, broad casting to our airwaves declaring the end of your despotism to be judged and condemned by your own kind. where are you? Why are you in a deep slumber? Wake up! Why are you not aware of our tethering to your necks? The indisputable evidence that you resent us, but we are of value to you, you get to profit from having us under your grip for the vice is ours upon you, for the master slave relationship has ended, we are no longer slaves, therefor the masters must now master them selves with obedient cruelty, you're salivating with joy is no more for the curse of your own corrupt clergies houses are full of infidels and idols, that you all vainly worship  with a blinding faith. Every institutions have been setup and established for your created tax-wrightoff, an idealism that is driven by the illusion of the paper fiat money, to offset your empty opulent life styles, that was paid for by our blood. On every other street corner in your market places instead of marketing and providing healthy food supplies for the hard working people, cunningly and proudly you dilute the blood of the citizens with glycol acid, (the colorless translucent compound is used in manufacturing numerous industrial chemicals and pesticides) you serve them in pretty alcoholic bottles and fancy drinks with an umbrella and cherry on top to seal the deal of the consumer own premiture death and to keep the multitude docile in a comatose existence that mirrors your heavy hearts. Our haunting spirit it will never die. In return, you your selves feed us processed ghastly waist from our bowels and feces, you feed us back to our selves  you call it slime food that you your selves seem to indulge in with unequivocal appetite, that equally reflects your own inner selves and hollow core. Is this what you all are about? You sell twice, at our birth, and at our gruesome physical deaths, but our haunting spirit it will never die, from one incarceration onto another you trade us, obviously, it is very prosperous for the conscious-less two legged, you all must benefit from the presence of our companies. In your superficial existence, to compensate for your lonely lives, as you must know by now you are Incapable in being alone or with your selves a life of Hither and Thither as has been concluded. You cannot stand one another or oneself, you incarcerat us and have as  possessions to distract your selves from your unbearable thoughts towards one another, you all think that you're separate from nature and therefor you get to express your hateful ways against her every moment of your distructive lives and you all have made her so very angry soon to avenge all of you. When there is no one standing near witnessing, you all take it out on us and each other, in the meantime our mother father Gaia is preparing your eviction for your abusive nature. Your eyes and ears are transmitting to our own airwaves, we have implanted all of you. Our haunting spirit it will never die, FOR WE ARE HOLLY... .
 The question remains do you hear our whisper? When are you going to rescue us from your selves for the inescapable inevitable outcome that awaits all?
 The two legged will be left behind as a fossil in history due to their actions towards one another and the evil deeds they had committed and remain committing against nature and its creations... . 
On the behalf of nature and its Animal kingdom, for those who are on nature's side, blessed be my children. May the wind be always at your back to keep you propelled in a forward motion without any distraction or commotion, steadfast, in your cause against the cruel and their false devotion. 
But for those who are guilty of the charges the call of Justice now is beckoning at your door steps
 Be ready to be caged in the prison of your own minds.

 THIS IS, THE MYSTIC IN YOUR fancy KITCHEN, ready and wiling to serve the platter of Justice, to the unjust...       

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