Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Wolf in sheep's clothing.

The wolf in sheep's clothing...

The haunting evil androgynous spirit that had been lurking in my life for as long as I can remember, was always in disguise, some times as a friend or a companion, and other times as a partner employee or employer, finally we had to come face to face for the final show down, the challenge was, either the he she will slay me, or I will do the slaying? Do you have one of those demented deranged creatures in your life? In my dream she had approached me as if she was a spiritual being, but underneath her his mask she was a twisted spiritual prostitute, no matter how hard I had preformed a given task on my path, it was never good enough for he she, he she always found doubt and faults in he she own perception of others, not because of others short coming, but rather of he she own convoluted projection onto others, mind you, that he she could not lift a finger by he she own free will, he she lacked all abilities of creating or loving, but often he she stated in her fragmented sentences love and light, she new neither, but she had mastered  the art of criticizing Others with A pride predatorily Prejudice of scrutiny in her venomous gossip, to camouflage her own deception and dissipation, in addition, he she knew the craft and perfected the thievery from those who are diligent and hard working individuals by nature, for now lets call he she one of the many Hitlers clones parasite, Hitleret.  Does any one wonder why these demons exist besides to rob others out of their life's joy? Does any one ever wonder what is the meaning of their existence? The succubus incubus hunger was always to an extreme hight, with his her demanding sexual appetite, if he she could not drain you by the physical slavery, he she will suck your finances dry, he she other alternative was, to drain your life essence sexually, does this sound like your spouse a girlfriend a sister a mother or the next door neighbor the parasite in your life ? The one always pointing out with the his her finger ordering you to do this that or the other, with a genuine smirk look on his her phony face?  While they stand as dead as a corpus useless in all of his her sinister aspects of his her life. So I ask you Sir. Madam. Do you have one of those void of conscientiousness entities in your life? As the dream went on, a being of pure ethics was standing at a distance in a full attention mode, with out any bias observation, unwavering in her decision making, nor to be swayed, one way or another until full examination of the viewed conduct at hand, for now I will call her my spirit guide, It did not take the jury long for the final and accurate judgment of the witch, the spirit guide with a precession decapitation of the ill willed  lacking Moral creature finally it was served with the blade of Justice . Have you slain the vampire that keeps on sucking the life energy out of you? If not? What are you waiting for?
 I woke up with a fresh and a new look on life, that if one maintains the correct course and heading on a straight path the view from the mountain top is achievable in this life. So dear planetary family members watch out for the wolf that is dressed in sheep's clothing...  This is The mystic in your kitchen, call on to me and I will manifest Ethereally into your life to serve the plater of Justice to the unjust... Love.

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