Sunday, August 7, 2016

Did the Vatican create Islam? Part Two.

Did the Vatican create islam?

Why did the Vatican train Muhammad and created Islam?
From the writings of the late 
Alberto Rivera.

Part 2 

"The Vatican wanted to create a Messiah for the Arabs, someone they could raise up as a great leader, a man with charisma whom they could train, and eventually unite all the non-Catholic Arabs behind him, creating a mighty army that would ultimately capture Jerusalem for the pope".

In the Vatican briefing, Cardinal Bea told this story:

"A wealthy Arabian lady who was a faithful follower of the pope played a tremendous part in this drama. She was a widow named Khadijah, She gave her wealth to the church and retired to a convent, but she was given an assignment. She was to find a brilliant young man who could be used by the Vatican to create a new religion and become the messiah for the children of Ishmael. Khadijah had a cousin named Waraquah, who was also a very faithful roman Catholic and the Vatican placed him in a critical role as Muhammad's advisor. He had tremendous influence on Muhammad".
"Teachers were sent to young Muhammad and he had intensive training, Muhammad studied the works of St. Augustine which prepared him for his, great calling," 
"The story of a great one who was about to rise up among the people and be the chosen one of their god.
While Muhammad was being prepared. He was told that his enemies were the jews and that the only true Christians were The Roman Catholic. He was taught that others calling themselves Christians were actually wicked impostors and should be destroyed. Many Muslims believe this even today".
"Muhammad began receiving divine revelation via mind control" 
"And his wife's Catholic cousin Waraquah helped interpret them. From this came the Koran. In the fifth year of Muhammad's mission, persecution came against his followers because they refused to worship the idols in the Kaaba". 
"Muhammad instructed some of them to flee to Abysinnia where Negus the roman Catholic king accepted them because Muhammad's views on the virgin Mary were so close to the Roman Catholic doctrine. These muslims received protection from the Catholic kings because of Muhammad's and the kings revelations were under the same mind control program as they are of today, the policy is control the Queen then you have control over the hive the multitude".
"Muhammad later conquered Mecca and the Kaaba was cleared of idols. History proves that before Islam came into Existence, the Sabeam in Arabia worshiped the Moon-God All. Who was married to the Sun-god  They gave birth to Three goddesses who were worshiped throughout the Arab world as "Daughters of Allah"  All. Ah".
"An idol was excavated at Hazor in Palestine in 1950s shows Allah Sitting on a throne with crescent moon on his chest.
'Muhammad claimed he had a vision from Allah and was told, "You are the messenger of Allah". This began his career as a prophet and he received many messages via mind control".
"By the time Muhammad died, the religion of islam was exploding. The nomadic Arab tribes were Joining forces in the name of Allah and his prophet, Muhammad".
"Some of Muhammad's writings were placed in the Koran, others were never published. They are now in the hands of high ranking men {Ayatollahs}in the Islamic faith".
"When Cardinal Bea shared the information with Rivera in the vatican. He said, these writings are guarded because they contain information that links the Vatican to the creation of Islam. Both sides have so much information on each other, that if exposed. It will create such a scandal that it would topple both religions causing total disaster. By the time Muhammad had realized the conspiracy it was to late to reverse what he had done the fact he was used the main agent and the pawn of highjacking  the Arab community for the Roman Empire.
In the Koran, Isa is regarded as only a prophet. If the pope was his representative on earth. Then he also must be a prophet of  Lord Satan. This caused the followers of Muhammad to fear and respect the pope as another 
 holy man" Ahha...
"The pope Moved quickly and issued bulls granting the Arab generals Permission to invade and conquer the nations of North Africa. The Vatican helped to finance the building of these massive armies in exchange for three favor:
1. Eliminate the Jews and Christians {true believers. Which they called infidels}.
2. Protect the Augustinian Monks and the Roman Catholics. 
3. Conquer Jerusalem for "His Holiness" and for the Vatican".
"As time went by. The power of the Islam became tremendous-Jews and true Christian were slaughtered, and Jerusalem fell into their hands. Roman Catholics were never attacked, nor were their shrines, during this time. 
During this time. But when the pope asked for Jerusalem, he was surprised at their denial! The Arab Generals had such a military success that they could not be intimidated by the pope-nothing could stand in their way of their own plan.
Under Wataquah's direction. "Muhammad wrote that Abraham offered Ishmael as a sacrifice, but Muhammad removed Isaac's name and inserted Ishmael's name. As a result of this and Muhammad mind control vision, the faithful Muslims built a mosque, the Dome of the rick, In Ishmael's honor the site of the Jewish temple that was destroyed in 70 AD. This made Jerusalem the 2nd most holy place in the Islam faith."  
"THe Catholic pope realized what they had created was out of control when he heard they were calling "His holiness" an infidel. The muslim generals were determined to conquer the world for Allah and now they turned toward Europe. Islamic Ambassadors Approached the pope and asked for papal bulls to give them permission to invade European countries.
The Vatican was outraged."
"War was Inevitable. Temporal power and control of the world was considered the basic Right of the pope. He would think of sharing it with those whom he considered heathens?"
"The pope raised up his armies and called them and told the crusaders to hold back the children of Ishmael from grabbing Catholic Europe. The Crusades lasted centuries and Jerusalem slipped out the pope's hands.  
"Turkey fell and Spain and Portugal were invaded by Islamic forces. In Portugal they called a mountain village "Fatima" in honer of Muhammad's daughter, never dreaming it would become world famous."

End of part 2 

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