Sunday, September 11, 2016



 1-Today, It was the day of acquiring the essentials for the week, upon descending to the city, always prepared to face what ever the universe have to offer me in the seen and the unseen three and the fourth demential realities '2-'    as I thread in the realms of intuitiveness, often crossing the paths with those who are in dyer need to express their unheard voices, due to the deaf status quo, in the current field of attraction to libretto, are a primary part of my daily commitments, and some of the other functions it consist of research and development of the various venues of data collecting and recording of what was yesterday? What is today? Then, the entrees are formulated and produced by a continuum binary processing codes program, then, are set fourth for a probable forecast outcome, a variety of topics they range from day to day matters and domestic affairs, and some times, beyond the scope of the political arena and the social corruption, to unveil the shadows secrecy, prompting forth the voice that had been silenced, to cross the intersection of the compassing documentaries. ' 3-' So to merge In the threads of the general script, the good news that is, of a cosmic influence always at my back propelling the unwavering core light to penetrate and reignite the flames of those who have been dimmed in their cause, that is longing and overdue for the necessary moral obligations, In the present time the moral context it has been utterly expunged and placed back in a hermitically fermented roots of deception, by those who are self absorbed by their vanity and self importance, back in the days of our ignorance we had once fully invested unquestionable trust with our lives, for those who cliam to be an ethical guardians and teachers of our youths, to lead them and guide them on the correct courses of wisdom, to be our future leaders of our governing bodies. 
'4-' Instead, the Schools had been persuaded to accept the views of science theories, as facts, the written history by the victors of wars of the untold atrocities against the earthly inhabitants, In an allegorical and legendary format of fantasies, a fable for bed time stories, geography of reversed and inverted compass directions that leads to confusion and discourse, mathematical formulas, that corrodes and sets the boundaries and the walled foundries of the minds on a paths of self gaining with out any consideration whatsoever for the welfare of others, an economic system on the death grinding wheels of seesaw action onto global scale of untold conflicts. In turn, it arouses a blinding intellectual confidence, '5-' 'A puffed up adults and their youths' without any logical verification of the educational curriculum systems, or the social economics systems, and for most important matters of the fraudulent medical industries, with their lethal gamut of psychotropic chemical drugs and right into the great industrialized processed food stuff systems with all of its poisoning alcoholic drinks that sets the mental and physical health on the roller-coaster of addictions to a free fall. Such offered life, it must be questioned by the citizens, It's each individual obligation is to questions the corporations pretending authorities, instead, the personal duties are handed over to the masquerading irresponsible government bodies, and the overbearing corrupt leadership in a pipe dream, a principles that’s build on Cunnings and Failures, memorizing and regurgitating of the impressed subliminal patterns from the autocratic societies, that creeps up and trickles down into the core of the nefarious judicial systems, that infiltrates the venous of the broken families in its viscous repetitive cyclical motions.    
 '6-' Today, the fundamental life issues they stands naked in a state of shame and shamble, from bribery to thievery, coerced and motivated by a blinding faiths, that supports the infrastructure of racketeering and extortion, blackmailing to forgery, starting at home into the daycare centers and up to the heads of states, and well under the chairs of the oppressive kingship of the multitude, and what ever is weaving in between.
 The inhabitant tapestries of cartoon distorted images. are well beyond recognition from their true essence, transitioned into a textile of a social disorder that is constantly being torn apart, and its financial residual stuffed in the pockets of the self congratulated elected elite groups, that are dunce and dense desensitized and disconnected from the citizen complex, that had been forged hardened into a toiling labor force, of which, are the very structure that supports the haves very existence, on the other hand, {The 'haves not'}  the majority groups, are the primary fuel that encourages the minority lofty group to gratify in their soothing habitual and debased hedonistic and extravagant life styles. '7-' there hunting effects they leave behind the average humble citizens a tsunami ravaging current that's burdensome weighing the hearts heavy, fogging them with sorrow and despair. 
'8-' Today juncture happen to be at a vegetable seedlings stand, in a food market place, my way of learning the different Lessons in this life, I consider every one that I happen to meet in my life journey, are universally aligned to be my personal teacher, and therefor, 'I, AM' thankful for the opportunity to ask Meaningful questions, for the betterment of all, In the same token, I refrain from any useless chatter to the best that I know how.
 A gingerly kind being, just pick up a pepper plant off the stand, how are you going to planted I asked? She paused for a moment, to examine the inquirer intentions, pleasantly, she replied, In a rectangular planter box by my apartment window, after she had explained the detail of her successful planting procedure, kindly, I thanked her. '9-' The conversation it proceeded into grieving, for the loss of her eighteen year old son, was gunned down in a cold blood at a liquor store, while he was  shopping for his baby's milk, Five hooded young men had entered the Store, two Fifteen year old were influenced by psychiatric prescribed drugs, in which they were sharing with Three adults in their Twenties, unethically guided by the forces of darkness.
 '10-' As I listened earnestly, not to my surprise of her dreadful happing, in an absent disorderly society inducted by a system of thought that is overwhelmingly to bear to the best of the inhabitants, no matter if you are the Master or the Slave, the teacher or a student, a parent or a child, an executive or secretary, employer or an employee, the doctor and the healthy, the president or the criminal, the conditions are equally the same but are different in degrees, whether you live in the east hills or in the west slums, no one is ever immune to the lively dissatisfaction of their own existence. 
'11-' The brave mother filled with her enthusiastic faith that her son now lives in heaven, she had exuded a resilient mountain of courage and bravery, her late youngster had left behind him a two year old toddler on the earth surface of hell, with the innocent love of his life, the teen age mom, now, is in a world that's full of chaos in succession malevolent realms of a mental twilights, that's masked with gloomy hopes. A world of packs, to face the unknown, as for the toddler, the fatherly link had been severed, rendering the baby growth-less to its full potentiality, to add to the undesired global unrest, what ever is accruing locally it permeates globally, the cords of life and living are intertwined infinitely. Every single act that is preformed whether it be underhanded tactic against your fellow man or benign and benevolent, whether you are a beneficent physician or an idling criminal, every breath you take is counted for, every shed of a single strand of hair or a tear, a smile or a cry, for every word that it proceeds from our mouth there is a tally for it, everyones actions and misdeeds throughout their entire course of their life, Are always being recorded in the matrix of the ageless hall of records, whether be it by cybernetic means or by the mystery of the invisible net, no one can possibly escape from its web.  As for the old saying goes, 
"The needle stock on my record".
  The grandmother daily responsibilities are, to assist the houseless people, by providing them with donated goods of the various items of necessities, for they are infringed upon by a mental confusion, that leaves them wondering aimlessly and joylessly.
'12-' If we all could come together for a moment to a place of oneness, free of self importance and be mentally cleansed from the false ego personalty, Into a genuine joint effort, to analyze and canalize the answers of these worldly questions, Who, or What, is behind the unbalance of nature? For starter, perhaps, more of the underlying personal classified meanings will begin to emerge to the surface, for all to recognize and view in the light, only then, we will be able to discern which is the ...correct course of the planetary heading that journeys our collective lives... 
Who is behind the dislodged ethical system of thought that has been build on a sandy foundation that is based on ideologies that incubates the breeding grounds of misfortune misery and violence? ...the roots of inequality... 
Why the needless suffering of the {haves not} are being punished further more with distress and discontentment for whom benefit? 
In the meantime for most of those who are dispirited, the haves, who live by the deeds of cruelties and contemptible actions, they continue to flourish in the ocean of greed and mayhem, are self rewarded from the sweat and energy of the average broken citizens... 
'13-' I often wonder, what is the created managers system lords that are nicknamed god or the unscrupulous religious orders view on their genetically manipulated creations, and why are they so hatful towards their own creations and blinded followers to allow the torment of nature to be ruled by their psychopaths monsters?
The self question remains, Am I, one of the causing agent to the total unrest?
Is this a fact or a fiction?
 "Bad habits do die hard" 
For those who are incognito know, that this message is a darting spear. 
And for those who are innocent, It will pass them as a spring breath, carrying the pollens of jasmine and honeysuckle, the fragrance of love and compassion


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