Friday, December 4, 2015

Are you a herbivore or carnivore???

Let us not waste any time by beating around the bush.  Please take a look at this list and  answer the questions honestly without any discrimination, towards yourself, or others.

  Let's do this together.

1. Are you a herbivore? If so, why?

2. Are you  carnivorouss? If so, why?

3. Do you have any health problems?  If so, why?

4. Are you mentally capable of comprehending wisdom? If so, how?

5. Are you an honest person who thinks for the betterment of all there is?  If so, why?

6. Are you a person who gets up in the morning and goes to sleep at night knowing, that, they have done their duty to serve others?  If so, why?

7.Are you a person who knows that each one is actually connected to all life forms on every plane and beyond?

8. Are you a consciously aware of every action you take toward yourself and others?

9. Are you aware of the Karma-less food? If not, why not?
Are you aware of the animal kingdom suffering, when you are ingesting their meat not for health reasons, but due to your addictive personalty?

10. Are you kind to your pet?  If so, why?
Would you eat your pet?

11. Are you kind to all life forms?

12. Are you aware that all the nutrition you ever need is available to you from  plant source (grains, seeds, nuts, vegetable, fruits)?

Have you 
Asked your self who am I today??? The students want to know.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The artist brush with life struggle.

As The Mystic listens attentively,

To the brush strokes of her life struggles,
 the wanderer expressions of her life tapestry, it is equally in the opposite direction of her artistic magnificent creation 
upon the canvas, in which she draws near, towards the end of her tunnel, to reunite with her inner impressions, closer and closer she is pulled into the light.

 The question remains, is awakening possible for the artist, the student asks?

Friday, November 13, 2015

Be aware of the auto repair shops!


Are you aware of the auto repair shop keeper, of the unethical customer service code?

As the students review the video and audio recording provided by the under cover agent, in a class room full of neophytes, adapts, and MASTERS of the mystery From future time line, to report the behavior and the evidence of the thoughtless earthly inhabitants, to the galactic community.


As for the shop keeper Eddie Silva oblivious, state, of his parasitic existence, the micro cameras strategically installed for the precession viewing and clear voice recording, for the purpose of, voice, facial, body analysis, to determine his internal thought proses, Due to the multiple complaint against Daisy Tire's corp. in Santa Paula California.

The recording begins with the customer approaching the service counter by  greeting Mr. Silva, do you have a set of two matching used tires for  2oo4 Honda element EX model all wheel drive?
Mr. Silva yes, I do, he walks to the automobile, checks the size of the tire, then, he commands! One of the unprofessional dyslexic employee, to check stock of the customer request, soon, the unpleasant creature returns, with a two matching sets, how much is the price, the customer asks? Mr. Silva replies 80 Dollars. for the set.
  Customer, the price went up from my previous purchase of the used tires.
the customer agrees to the price, Apr. 30 minutes later the transaction was completed. A few days later the customer returned, to address the violent shaking in the front end suspension, after reaching the speed of 45 miles per hour, an indication of unbalanced wheels. Mr Silva, agreed to check the vehicle for the customer concern, one of the balancing used weight had come off, the under age employee re balances the wheels. by now the trust factor between the shop keeper and the client has been deluded, due to the poor service and workmanship.
18 days later the customer returns to address the same concern, Mr. Silva reaction, if you do not want the front end of your vehicle to shake you must install new set of tires, the look on the customer face was sheer awe, due to the desensitized selfish shop keeper response. the customer agrees for the quote previously given by Mr. Silva the shop keeper for some total of  630.50 Repair order #7806
Qty.4 tires description 04111, LT225/75R 16 115R Terra Track AT 11 E. 
(10 ply) Hercules.

The tire installation began, few minutes go by the customer realizes a lesser quality tires are being installed, 
Customer, sir, this is not the tires I have agreed to purchase,  The confused employee, Abruptly, replies, there is no difference, these tires will do, the customer returns back to the front office, Mr. Silva, could you please instruct your staff, to install the tires, as per your estimate. 
The agitated Mr. Silva, re instruct The confused individual,to install another set, in which is different altogether from the original quote once more.
The customer once again, sir, this is not matching your estimate, rudely Mr. Silva replies, this is the correct tire, at this point the customer kept his grace paid in full, he thanked Mr. Silva, 45 minutes the telephone rings,
 the customer on the other end, Mr. Silva This Mr."-------" I just arrived at the office I have compared the original quote with today's repair order,  not only you have over charged me, but definitely you have installed different set of tires, part # 04378,225/75R16 104t, TERRA TRAC AT 11 owl SL, hercules (7 PLY) the despicable dishonest Mr. Silva With his insidious criminal attitude, replies, that the manufacture had changed the part # and this is the correct replacement, After a several minutes of arguing back and forth Mr. Silva admitted, that he had sold and installed the incorrect tires.
 The customer with his graceful response, he wanted to give Mr. Silva another chance to make this nightmare transaction, to manifest correctly. Mr. Silva agreed with the customer, by stating,  bring the vehicle back to reinstall the proper tires tomorrow at 10.30 AM. 
The customer instead of arriving at 10.30 he arrived at Approximately, at 8.30 AM. Mr. Silva father siting behind the counter, having his breakfast,
 The Customer, Good Morning, is Mr. Eddie here? No, He will be in at 10.30 AM. The customer share his experience with Mr. Silva  Father, Mr. Silva senior after hearing the client concerns, he became uncomfortable, of the facts, he even agreed that JR. was lacking professionalism, he suggested, to the customer it is best, that he returns at 10.30 AM. and deal directly with JR.  Once again the customer is inconvenienced due to the lack of consideration and  moral ethics of Silvas 
The Customer arrived at the shop once more, At 10.30 AM. Mr. Silva, I have giving you more then one chance to preformed your duty as a business owner, and you have failed to do so, I no longer wish to do any business with Daisy tire corp. I will pay you for the reinstalling of the old tires, and I will take my business else were.  I do not feel comfortable to return every three thousand miles for tire rotation, Mr. Silva tried to convince the customer that he will honer the original estimate as he promised.
At this point the customer, explains you have left a bitter taste in my mouth, it is best that we disconnect this entanglement, before it gets any worse.
when all was said and done Mr. Silva once again over charges the customer, not only for the reinstalling of the old tires, but in addition he charged for the mistake of his unethical service of the dismounting of the incorrect tires, that he was consciously aware of.
The graceful customer had a question for Mr. Silva?
           Mr. Silva, Sir, if this transaction had taken a place with a female customer who was laking the experience of knowing the difference of your service, and  you had realized, that, you had sold her the incorrect set of tires, from your shop quote, would have picked the telephone and requested that she should return immediately to the shop, to rectify, your misjudgement? With out any remorse, what so ever, eagerly, he answered, no, that he would not have done so.

The question remains, when one is not paying any attention how they are being treated by the criminal minded individual, who's responsibility is it? To be aware, the customer or shop keeper???.THE MYSTIC ASKS???                 
This matter it will be presented to the committee of the galactic federation for review, and the proper action will be taken.

Disclaimer. We have provided the reader with a short version of the transaction
The actual recording, has been transcribed. .




Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Traffic school exam.

Self deception. The life of a lire!

As one student perplexed by the observation of another student deceitful activity, she explains.
A couple in their twenty's, armed with, two laptop computers, and two cell phones.
Shuffling from one site onto another, taking the short cut to pass the traffic school exam.
Instead of taking the time to read through the booklet and come to a full understanding of the traffic laws of the land, she chose the path of cheating. Due to her other worth while activitys, such as texting, and vulgar useless chatter.
Unbeknown to the oblivious couple, that, they were siting next to a traffic school officer.  
The question remains? Which path have you chose lately?


The prison of blind faith.WHY>

Why have you all, believed, in a faith, that had left you isolated in the prison of your own mind ?

If you believe that you have been created by a creator, one, should ask, why is this creator have forsaken his creation? Rendering, every one, mentally and physically ill? Does your congregation practice the teaching of Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohamed, Laozi, or are they another form for money laundering operation.
 The student asks?

Thanks, to the thanksgiving holiday.

Are you aware of the Haynes crime of the animal sacrifice in the guise of thankfulness, THE MYSTIC ASKS???

As the student intently gather and jointly listen to the teaching of k. Suddenly, a shout breaks out toward the back of the hall of knowledge, why are you yawning so mush, one of the neophyte, asks with anger? The startled new comer replies, I am so tired, he asks again, what food have you had in the last, 24 hour? Due, to the unawareness state of her existence, slow to responds, chicken and Turkey, I need the protein, The neophyte shouts again, wake up, get up, and leave the class! You are not ready for the teaching, besides,  your thoughtless negligence, is contaminating the students collective psyche', the side effect of the Tryptophan you have deservingly inherited, it is yours, and yours only, previously you stated, that, you needed the protein, the sheer fact, that, your are over weight, your body is infested, by the saturated fat of the dumb animal, you have taken on the characteristic of the creature, that you are consuming for the unhealthy reasons, are you aware of the fear, fret and the suffering of the creatures, before,during and after the slaughter, that permeates through out the universe? She replies, with audacity, the native indian offered the sacrifice of the animal to be thankful for all they have.
 By now, another neophyte shouts, we all know, what had happend to the native americans.  
K. Gracefully, with his ageless smile he concludes the session, it is something for all to ponder for a while.
Until next session..

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Are you aware of your self, and others?

The Mystic asks? 

How can any one teach any thing of any subject, if they, have not, perfected the practice of there teaching them self's ?

As the Mystic sits in a chair at the end of the wing, In a fairly considerable size coffee house, the purpose is, to compose a theses on the inhabitant's social behavior of the dementia dilemma 

 and its effect on the social psyche'.

The student explains.

 Plenty of unoccupied seats in the house, here comes marching towards the mystic, a couple, to guess, in their mid forties, they sit next to the Mystic, and begin their useless chatter, loud and insensitive, the only thing was missing, for this oblivious, insidious creatures, was, a mattress, or a bedroom.
The Mystic, kindly moves over to another empty seat to continue his work, and moreover to provide the honey moon couple with some privacy. Minutes go by, off they go, leaving the facility, consciously unaware,of the environment at  cafe.
A short while after, the female returns alone, sits next to the Mystic. She begins to shuffles her messy papers all over the table, an indication, of, in need of some attention. The mystic asks? Do you know how to spell the word, oblivious? She replies, why? At this point, she remains in a dream state.
The Mystic asks? If you don't mind, could you please share, what is it that you do to earn your living? 
Proudly, she answers, the wants to be a fashion statement individual,
  I am a therapist, I treat children for attention deafest disorder, autism, bipolar, and so on. mind you, all this made up symptoms were crated by the pharmaceutical company's from the selected psycho Analiese's to get FDA approval and patent license for the sale of the psychotropic drugs.

The Mystic asks,
 If, the so called therapist, has not conquer the social disorder behavior of her self, and her personal suffering, how can she provide any assistance to those who are in the need of phycological help? in which the disorder was artificial  created and imposed upon individual not by nature, but by the ill society.
Why have children at all, if the parents are living unnatural, unworthy, and unfit life style, lacking the wisdom to nourish their own children with utmost respect, affection and great care? Instead They hire strangers to raise their children, who knows what happens in the absence of the parent from their child? While the mothers out busy with their courier the so called women live by their double standards life style, with the high heals f--- me pumps, drenched with makeup and fancy hair styles, In and out  in their SUV'S to please the employer or the coworker and for some after hour enjoyments If you know what I mean?, leaving the child and their behind in the strangers hands to enjoy, then you have the audacity to be a complainer, the side effects on the child are so horrible, they  are left scared for life, to add to the misery of the child, they turn in, their own offspring's to the hands of the demented therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist to be drugged down and turned into zombies. as they are zombiefied them self's.
 While the state trained denatured unethical individuals impress their own filth upon your children.
 How can a fat and confused individual in their gender and all that comes with it, they them self's do not know which direction to take in the life that was giving to them by universal laws? How can they make a sound decision for your precious child?
 When Greed and corruption is their way of life in every possible way one can imagine, who promotes pharmaceutical sales knowingly by the representation of the corrupt industry that is poising your children with the synthetic drugs simply, by placing a label on your child nature?  Neglecting  your own children you are helping the drug companies with there annual profit of estimated value of one Trillion dollars by playing into their game. Are you receiving a refund check in the end of the year?
 The students wants to know. 


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Are your tires out of balance or is our mother earth out of balance?

What are the reactions, when the equilibrium, is out of balance?

Two days ago, Finally made it over to the tire store, the transportation vehicle is due for front tires replacement.
" Greetings to you sir, do you sell used tires?", the client asks? The store keeper replies, yes, we do, wonderful, how mush and how soon can we start this transaction?" Immediately the store keeper replies, "The price for each tire is thirty five dollars". The client replied,"Wow,
 last year it was half the current quoted price, that means 100 % inflation for the used tires, and if they don't get purchased  the store owner would have to pay for the disposal of the used tires." The client then asked, 
 "Does the price include the balancing of the wheel and tire?"  "no," the shopkeeper replied, "another five dollars for each tire".When the work was completed by then the working shift of the store  was over, the customer paid and off he went on his way, driving home he\she noticed the front end of the vehicle began to shake violently.  It is an indication that the tires are out of balance, after arriving at the designated  destination,  the paid customer preformed thorough visual inspection and learned, that there was no balancing weight installed. A few days later back at tire store, the client asks,  "Sir, the vehicle is shaking, could you please inspect your work and remedy the unbalanced tires?"
The question remains, the mystic asks?
If one ounce of weight can effect the performance of a two thousand pound transportation vehicle, causing it to violently vibrate, in which will eventuate in suspension parts damage $$$? what do you think of the effects on mother earth do to the fracting\ oil depleting, plundering of all minerals resources for example the vibrating resonance crystals caves that took billions of years to form by the natural order of things? The removal of the these natural resources, in  which they are the balancing weight of the great mother earth wheel, this consciousless act is inducing the earth wobble, the consequences are so horrific on the whole. Why does the demented, selfish, thoughtless creatures steal natural resources for healing one another by the use of the plundered crystals from our mother? or to make trinkets jewelry to impose their vane way of life? While the creatures live by unnatural means, unbeknown to them selfs they are the destroyers of life, the removal of any resources from its natural state is the causation for the  mental and the physical illness of  the population. Plundering the precious mineral's  in which are the veins and arteries of mother earth, for monetary gain called paper money, does this make any sense?  This cruel behavior results in the creation of the cavities in the tectonic plates in the bowels of our mother earth. It took billions of years for this living biological earth substance to form the Goo Goo oil, the earth blood substance,  if you will, in which all the earth memory's of all the previous mayhem are recorded in it. Then it is released into the atmosphere, via   combustion of the useless and outdated engines that are extremely harmful to life, due to the release of the harmful carbon monoxide. For every part of burned fuel an equal part of carbon monoxide is released into the atmosphere. Are you one of those who is experiencing any respiratory problems? By now you should be able to connect the dots for your own and your loved ones health issues, that most people are having today. And now this great body of carbon is taking on a conscious of its own, and it is reflecting it right back on the population, wreaking havoc on the Psyche and the biophysical of the collective.
      More of these thoughtless activities of the mentally self degraded, meaningless existence, would end up in a total destruction of this gem. The reason for this parasitic, ignorant and arrogant  race that lives among us,  is they have destroyed their home planet. Due to their vile ravaging way of existence, no one is immune to the retaliation of mother, eventually creating a sink hole, the momentum will be so great that it will collapse upon its self. Sucking down all that is in its path.
When are the inhabitants going to wake up out of their seared conscious state of existence?

The Mystic asks, what are you replacing the plundering of the resource  with?  What form of payments are you all making to stop the wobbling action of mother earth, besides the filthy mental and physical pollutions   ?????????????.  What happens when an organism such as man's brain or heart is removed from his body ? Can any one answer this simple inquiry? Please let me know when you are ready to face your own music!

     The Mystic asks??? ?????? ?????????.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What is it like to reach out to a wall?

Do you want to wake up from the lie that had been ingrained in your genetic structure?

If there is a God Why do I need a middle man to connect me to the source????????????????????????????????????

Today we were sharing a moment of concern, with an earthly brother in need of a bid of assistance. 
Why are you in a state of discontentment the mystic asks?
With a look of disappointment the earthly member replies, I have just returned from the house of worship. 
The mystic asks again, you should be feeling refreshed and rejuvenated why aren't you?
        According to the church pastor I am not privileged to receive any assistance in terms of utilizing the car for shelter purpose over night in the approximately one acer lot parking space, and on another occasion before the earthly brother lost his home of residence he asked the pastor for an aid loan to pay up the utility bill once more he was denied.
The mystic asks again? It suggests that you must be out of work to earn any monetary compensation in the present day, I sense their must be a health dilemma preventing you from toiling for living, would you say, this is a fair assessment and why are you denied the assistance, the mystic asks? 
           The earth link replies by regurgitating the pastor statement, the fact that you are not a member of the church and do not participate in a financial contribution on regular basis.
          Then the mystic asks what does it take to become a member of the house of the creator that created you, and why do you need to be a member in the home of your father where you are told that you are a sinner and less then? 
          The mystic asks again relentlessly what kind of creator creates a family of sinners so it can torment its own creation? 
         What are the necessary requirements and the  qualification to become a church member of this  profitable organized religious institutional structure, and further more what are the benefits when one leaves all there personal imposed needless suffering behind to attend the service by putting them self in harms way by listening to the teaching of psychic  hoaqracy from the clergy that denies you the assistance in the face of difficult times of your life, and when one return back to there house to find more bills waiting to be paid to the false financial ocean of debts that you may or not be able to pay back to the criminal banking system or when your health fails do to the thoughtless way of life on this planet, let us go on one more step in depth to investigating  the earthly made up obligation of senseless activity that keeps the individual oppressed twenty four seven three hundred and sixty five days forcing the individual into a total mental and physical decay and no magical pill to remedy your misery? 
            Another earth link brother steps up and offers his own personal experience with the church clergy, once he was considering to become a member of the church as he Begin to shed some light on the subject matter he revealed his disappointment, in  agony he explains, to become a member these are the ground rules 
          1,you may not watch any television programs unless strictly provided by the Church doctrine for further mental conditioning and programing, the Mystic asks what is the difference between the dogma and the national mental conditioning
          2, you may not attend another church what so ever, the Mystic ask why not other congregations have different god
          3, Financial contribution on a regular basis, the mystic adds to support the clergy addiction of there seven deadly sins.
          The mystic asks once more is there any thing on the church application that implies that you should not advocate the killing  of  any sentient being that has feeling of life it self for monitory gain, or the lethal assault on our mother nature? 
         Is there any mention on the application about the fifteen thousand wars committed in the name of  an idle for the last five thousand years for the sake of capitalistic and consumerism made suicidal society? 
         Is there any thing on the church application that describes  all the induced diseases upon the pupils of life of this planet for the sake of financial profit through the inhumane exploitation? 
         Is there any thing on the church application of any mentioning about the veterans who unfortunately returned back to the home  nation that they once fought for  by killing one of their own human family member because they believed in a lie of a criminal political corrupt system that you thought its from the people and for the people and were denied medical assistance do to the symptoms unbeknown to the medical community of its time?
         Is there any thing on the application about cannibalism and human trafficking that the church dogma participate in a ritualistic fashion on regular basis?
         Is there any thing on the application that state in god we trust and employ the very currency in every possible crime was ever committed under the sun in the name of god?
         Is there any thing on the application sirs, about compassion toward those who have not?
         Is there in thing on the application that explains why your governments globally are Engaged in a chemical war fare against the tormented inhabitants by the means of the processed food, alcohol, beverages, artificial pharma drugs that keeps the citizen in a coma state zumbified and to say least docile?
         Is there any thing on application will explain in detail, consuming animal products will cause the individual health problems, the reason is,  animal Gene and the human Gene are not compatible and therefor the body becomes a toxic waste vessel, full of sorrow and suffering and further more that the animal metamorphose into the human body were the human takes on the characteristics of the beast and the fact is, look around you most of the inhabitants take on the form of the animal and its behavioral that they consume and  plagued by the obesity from the animal fat impossible to rid of? As for the old saying, after all you are what you eat!
         Is there any mention about the animal metamorphism once it invades the human body it must be maintained by more fat of the animal intake?
         Is there any mention about consuming animal products lowers your divine Essenes vibration light and it Vail's it with darkness that's why most individuals walk around with dark aura around them?
 Where does all this created suffering goes in the end of day?

The last questions what do you think if Buddha,Moses,Jesus,or Mohamed return to this realm knowing that they had come in vain and their teaching is adulterated by the clergy, mullahs, and the priesthood's vanity.
By now the churchgoers could not answer any of the Mystic questions and off they went back to the prison of time. Plato allegory the cave.

Perhaps you will answer these questions when you are ready to wake up from the induced nightmare that you are willingly involved in by agreeing to the current statuesque conditions of life, 

How do you like me now?

  I AM the MYSTIC in your KITCHEN ask for guidance and IT will be there.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Are you a heart that is full of love? or are you a hateful being?

 Are you a Heart that is full of love   or are you a  Hateful being?   

How would someone know which category he/she falls into?

Did you know that those who have acquired some dis-ease, had one of these many tendencies: hating another, being disappointed by another, disillusioned by their own actions, gripping someone to the extent of denying them freedom and liberty for example in a marriage, or at work master slave relationship? They use corrupt language to degrade another and to absolve and exalt oneself. They have an envy of others who have more material wealth and laking wisdom, and dislike to those who live by wisdom and creativity, than they themselves can, 
When someone applies an affliction upon another, it soon returns to its source. Once I was waiting for a new client to arrive at office. The office, being very simple, had very few objects: a table for a book, a water fountain to create a feeling of the natural state of nature, two chairs, one being for the client.

When the client entered that peaceful space, immediately sensed a horrible energy, I noticed a dark aura around him\her, difficult not to sense such draining mental state of mind.
 asked this person to sit down and after a short interactive conversation, a discovery was concluded that this person's life was extremely cluttered with physical and mental baggage, and therefore he\her had a heavy heart. The ancient Egyptians speak of this affliction of the heart that, if the heart heavy and murky,  it will carry on into the next life unless one learns to release those emotions of envy, jealousy etc. TODAY.

For those who are struggling with these fruitless, emotional tendencies, today is your day, to release it all into the central fire of the Universal sun for purification and elimination. Today is your day to open up a clean, fresh page on life, in which YOU get to write and design it to your benevolent desired outcome.

Affirmation for today:

Today is the rebirth of my new life. Today I am born anew and protected by the Mantle of life I reside in IT'S impenetrable fortress.  Therefore, if the universal Father\ Mother and I are One, who can be against me?

I AM. The Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask me for guidance and IT will be there.

Monday, June 22, 2015

From the Fabric of Space.


Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth!

I come here from another realm to check upon this planet’s inhabitants state of consciousness in which they live by. Or not. It is up to each one of you to examine how you conduct your lives, behave towards one another, nature, animal kingdom, and the rest of all life forms.
The findings are alarming to say the least, about this term, “Healer” in this New Age of darkness in of  guise of pseudo Enlightenment. If you claim to be a “healer” and are a meat-eater, that means that you have not passed the test of life initiation and you have no business even mentioning that word “healer” because you are a caged hamster spinning the fruitless wheel. One who is supposedly a “healer” should never advocate the killing  or eating of an innocent animal or cannibalism and  justifying this act for the benefit of health or in gaining the powers of the beast, On the contrary, consuming animal products is the generator of all diseases that has plagued humanity. If that is who you are, I suggest that you reconsider your actions. Return to the elementary class of inquiry and ask yourself the question, who am I really?

If you consider yourself a “Healer”, and you partake in any form of intoxication of any unnatural substance, then you are a polluter on a third dimensional level and a multi-dimensional level. After all, all things are connected in the fabric of space. By practicing on such  dense level you rob yourself and other’s energy in the name of spirituality. I command you right this moment to seize your action and/or find another line of work of a benevolent nature

 Our body requires nutritional sustenance, If you short change the nutritional intake not only will It effect your owen energy but also the energy of those around you,

You are living in a state of deception. The worst thing about being deceptive is that you yourself do not know you are living a life of deception.

I AM. The Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and IT will be there.