Saturday, October 24, 2015

Are your tires out of balance or is our mother earth out of balance?

What are the reactions, when the equilibrium, is out of balance?

Two days ago, Finally made it over to the tire store, the transportation vehicle is due for front tires replacement.
" Greetings to you sir, do you sell used tires?", the client asks? The store keeper replies, yes, we do, wonderful, how mush and how soon can we start this transaction?" Immediately the store keeper replies, "The price for each tire is thirty five dollars". The client replied,"Wow,
 last year it was half the current quoted price, that means 100 % inflation for the used tires, and if they don't get purchased  the store owner would have to pay for the disposal of the used tires." The client then asked, 
 "Does the price include the balancing of the wheel and tire?"  "no," the shopkeeper replied, "another five dollars for each tire".When the work was completed by then the working shift of the store  was over, the customer paid and off he went on his way, driving home he\she noticed the front end of the vehicle began to shake violently.  It is an indication that the tires are out of balance, after arriving at the designated  destination,  the paid customer preformed thorough visual inspection and learned, that there was no balancing weight installed. A few days later back at tire store, the client asks,  "Sir, the vehicle is shaking, could you please inspect your work and remedy the unbalanced tires?"
The question remains, the mystic asks?
If one ounce of weight can effect the performance of a two thousand pound transportation vehicle, causing it to violently vibrate, in which will eventuate in suspension parts damage $$$? what do you think of the effects on mother earth do to the fracting\ oil depleting, plundering of all minerals resources for example the vibrating resonance crystals caves that took billions of years to form by the natural order of things? The removal of the these natural resources, in  which they are the balancing weight of the great mother earth wheel, this consciousless act is inducing the earth wobble, the consequences are so horrific on the whole. Why does the demented, selfish, thoughtless creatures steal natural resources for healing one another by the use of the plundered crystals from our mother? or to make trinkets jewelry to impose their vane way of life? While the creatures live by unnatural means, unbeknown to them selfs they are the destroyers of life, the removal of any resources from its natural state is the causation for the  mental and the physical illness of  the population. Plundering the precious mineral's  in which are the veins and arteries of mother earth, for monetary gain called paper money, does this make any sense?  This cruel behavior results in the creation of the cavities in the tectonic plates in the bowels of our mother earth. It took billions of years for this living biological earth substance to form the Goo Goo oil, the earth blood substance,  if you will, in which all the earth memory's of all the previous mayhem are recorded in it. Then it is released into the atmosphere, via   combustion of the useless and outdated engines that are extremely harmful to life, due to the release of the harmful carbon monoxide. For every part of burned fuel an equal part of carbon monoxide is released into the atmosphere. Are you one of those who is experiencing any respiratory problems? By now you should be able to connect the dots for your own and your loved ones health issues, that most people are having today. And now this great body of carbon is taking on a conscious of its own, and it is reflecting it right back on the population, wreaking havoc on the Psyche and the biophysical of the collective.
      More of these thoughtless activities of the mentally self degraded, meaningless existence, would end up in a total destruction of this gem. The reason for this parasitic, ignorant and arrogant  race that lives among us,  is they have destroyed their home planet. Due to their vile ravaging way of existence, no one is immune to the retaliation of mother, eventually creating a sink hole, the momentum will be so great that it will collapse upon its self. Sucking down all that is in its path.
When are the inhabitants going to wake up out of their seared conscious state of existence?

The Mystic asks, what are you replacing the plundering of the resource  with?  What form of payments are you all making to stop the wobbling action of mother earth, besides the filthy mental and physical pollutions   ?????????????.  What happens when an organism such as man's brain or heart is removed from his body ? Can any one answer this simple inquiry? Please let me know when you are ready to face your own music!

     The Mystic asks??? ?????? ?????????.

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