Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What is it like to reach out to a wall?

Do you want to wake up from the lie that had been ingrained in your genetic structure?

If there is a God Why do I need a middle man to connect me to the source????????????????????????????????????

Today we were sharing a moment of concern, with an earthly brother in need of a bid of assistance. 
Why are you in a state of discontentment the mystic asks?
With a look of disappointment the earthly member replies, I have just returned from the house of worship. 
The mystic asks again, you should be feeling refreshed and rejuvenated why aren't you?
        According to the church pastor I am not privileged to receive any assistance in terms of utilizing the car for shelter purpose over night in the approximately one acer lot parking space, and on another occasion before the earthly brother lost his home of residence he asked the pastor for an aid loan to pay up the utility bill once more he was denied.
The mystic asks again? It suggests that you must be out of work to earn any monetary compensation in the present day, I sense their must be a health dilemma preventing you from toiling for living, would you say, this is a fair assessment and why are you denied the assistance, the mystic asks? 
           The earth link replies by regurgitating the pastor statement, the fact that you are not a member of the church and do not participate in a financial contribution on regular basis.
          Then the mystic asks what does it take to become a member of the house of the creator that created you, and why do you need to be a member in the home of your father where you are told that you are a sinner and less then? 
          The mystic asks again relentlessly what kind of creator creates a family of sinners so it can torment its own creation? 
         What are the necessary requirements and the  qualification to become a church member of this  profitable organized religious institutional structure, and further more what are the benefits when one leaves all there personal imposed needless suffering behind to attend the service by putting them self in harms way by listening to the teaching of psychic  hoaqracy from the clergy that denies you the assistance in the face of difficult times of your life, and when one return back to there house to find more bills waiting to be paid to the false financial ocean of debts that you may or not be able to pay back to the criminal banking system or when your health fails do to the thoughtless way of life on this planet, let us go on one more step in depth to investigating  the earthly made up obligation of senseless activity that keeps the individual oppressed twenty four seven three hundred and sixty five days forcing the individual into a total mental and physical decay and no magical pill to remedy your misery? 
            Another earth link brother steps up and offers his own personal experience with the church clergy, once he was considering to become a member of the church as he Begin to shed some light on the subject matter he revealed his disappointment, in  agony he explains, to become a member these are the ground rules 
          1,you may not watch any television programs unless strictly provided by the Church doctrine for further mental conditioning and programing, the Mystic asks what is the difference between the dogma and the national mental conditioning
          2, you may not attend another church what so ever, the Mystic ask why not other congregations have different god
          3, Financial contribution on a regular basis, the mystic adds to support the clergy addiction of there seven deadly sins.
          The mystic asks once more is there any thing on the church application that implies that you should not advocate the killing  of  any sentient being that has feeling of life it self for monitory gain, or the lethal assault on our mother nature? 
         Is there any mention on the application about the fifteen thousand wars committed in the name of  an idle for the last five thousand years for the sake of capitalistic and consumerism made suicidal society? 
         Is there any thing on the church application that describes  all the induced diseases upon the pupils of life of this planet for the sake of financial profit through the inhumane exploitation? 
         Is there any thing on the church application of any mentioning about the veterans who unfortunately returned back to the home  nation that they once fought for  by killing one of their own human family member because they believed in a lie of a criminal political corrupt system that you thought its from the people and for the people and were denied medical assistance do to the symptoms unbeknown to the medical community of its time?
         Is there any thing on the application about cannibalism and human trafficking that the church dogma participate in a ritualistic fashion on regular basis?
         Is there any thing on the application that state in god we trust and employ the very currency in every possible crime was ever committed under the sun in the name of god?
         Is there any thing on the application sirs, about compassion toward those who have not?
         Is there in thing on the application that explains why your governments globally are Engaged in a chemical war fare against the tormented inhabitants by the means of the processed food, alcohol, beverages, artificial pharma drugs that keeps the citizen in a coma state zumbified and to say least docile?
         Is there any thing on application will explain in detail, consuming animal products will cause the individual health problems, the reason is,  animal Gene and the human Gene are not compatible and therefor the body becomes a toxic waste vessel, full of sorrow and suffering and further more that the animal metamorphose into the human body were the human takes on the characteristics of the beast and the fact is, look around you most of the inhabitants take on the form of the animal and its behavioral that they consume and  plagued by the obesity from the animal fat impossible to rid of? As for the old saying, after all you are what you eat!
         Is there any mention about the animal metamorphism once it invades the human body it must be maintained by more fat of the animal intake?
         Is there any mention about consuming animal products lowers your divine Essenes vibration light and it Vail's it with darkness that's why most individuals walk around with dark aura around them?
 Where does all this created suffering goes in the end of day?

The last questions what do you think if Buddha,Moses,Jesus,or Mohamed return to this realm knowing that they had come in vain and their teaching is adulterated by the clergy, mullahs, and the priesthood's vanity.
By now the churchgoers could not answer any of the Mystic questions and off they went back to the prison of time. Plato allegory the cave.

Perhaps you will answer these questions when you are ready to wake up from the induced nightmare that you are willingly involved in by agreeing to the current statuesque conditions of life, 

How do you like me now?

  I AM the MYSTIC in your KITCHEN ask for guidance and IT will be there.

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