Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Are you aware of your self, and others?

The Mystic asks? 

How can any one teach any thing of any subject, if they, have not, perfected the practice of there teaching them self's ?

As the Mystic sits in a chair at the end of the wing, In a fairly considerable size coffee house, the purpose is, to compose a theses on the inhabitant's social behavior of the dementia dilemma 

 and its effect on the social psyche'.

The student explains.

 Plenty of unoccupied seats in the house, here comes marching towards the mystic, a couple, to guess, in their mid forties, they sit next to the Mystic, and begin their useless chatter, loud and insensitive, the only thing was missing, for this oblivious, insidious creatures, was, a mattress, or a bedroom.
The Mystic, kindly moves over to another empty seat to continue his work, and moreover to provide the honey moon couple with some privacy. Minutes go by, off they go, leaving the facility, consciously unaware,of the environment at  cafe.
A short while after, the female returns alone, sits next to the Mystic. She begins to shuffles her messy papers all over the table, an indication, of, in need of some attention. The mystic asks? Do you know how to spell the word, oblivious? She replies, why? At this point, she remains in a dream state.
The Mystic asks? If you don't mind, could you please share, what is it that you do to earn your living? 
Proudly, she answers, the wants to be a fashion statement individual,
  I am a therapist, I treat children for attention deafest disorder, autism, bipolar, and so on. mind you, all this made up symptoms were crated by the pharmaceutical company's from the selected psycho Analiese's to get FDA approval and patent license for the sale of the psychotropic drugs.

The Mystic asks,
 If, the so called therapist, has not conquer the social disorder behavior of her self, and her personal suffering, how can she provide any assistance to those who are in the need of phycological help? in which the disorder was artificial  created and imposed upon individual not by nature, but by the ill society.
Why have children at all, if the parents are living unnatural, unworthy, and unfit life style, lacking the wisdom to nourish their own children with utmost respect, affection and great care? Instead They hire strangers to raise their children, who knows what happens in the absence of the parent from their child? While the mothers out busy with their courier the so called women live by their double standards life style, with the high heals f--- me pumps, drenched with makeup and fancy hair styles, In and out  in their SUV'S to please the employer or the coworker and for some after hour enjoyments If you know what I mean?, leaving the child and their behind in the strangers hands to enjoy, then you have the audacity to be a complainer, the side effects on the child are so horrible, they  are left scared for life, to add to the misery of the child, they turn in, their own offspring's to the hands of the demented therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist to be drugged down and turned into zombies. as they are zombiefied them self's.
 While the state trained denatured unethical individuals impress their own filth upon your children.
 How can a fat and confused individual in their gender and all that comes with it, they them self's do not know which direction to take in the life that was giving to them by universal laws? How can they make a sound decision for your precious child?
 When Greed and corruption is their way of life in every possible way one can imagine, who promotes pharmaceutical sales knowingly by the representation of the corrupt industry that is poising your children with the synthetic drugs simply, by placing a label on your child nature?  Neglecting  your own children you are helping the drug companies with there annual profit of estimated value of one Trillion dollars by playing into their game. Are you receiving a refund check in the end of the year?
 The students wants to know. 


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