Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Thanks, to the thanksgiving holiday.

Are you aware of the Haynes crime of the animal sacrifice in the guise of thankfulness, THE MYSTIC ASKS???

As the student intently gather and jointly listen to the teaching of k. Suddenly, a shout breaks out toward the back of the hall of knowledge, why are you yawning so mush, one of the neophyte, asks with anger? The startled new comer replies, I am so tired, he asks again, what food have you had in the last, 24 hour? Due, to the unawareness state of her existence, slow to responds, chicken and Turkey, I need the protein, The neophyte shouts again, wake up, get up, and leave the class! You are not ready for the teaching, besides,  your thoughtless negligence, is contaminating the students collective psyche', the side effect of the Tryptophan you have deservingly inherited, it is yours, and yours only, previously you stated, that, you needed the protein, the sheer fact, that, your are over weight, your body is infested, by the saturated fat of the dumb animal, you have taken on the characteristic of the creature, that you are consuming for the unhealthy reasons, are you aware of the fear, fret and the suffering of the creatures, before,during and after the slaughter, that permeates through out the universe? She replies, with audacity, the native indian offered the sacrifice of the animal to be thankful for all they have.
 By now, another neophyte shouts, we all know, what had happend to the native americans.  
K. Gracefully, with his ageless smile he concludes the session, it is something for all to ponder for a while.
Until next session..


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