Friday, December 4, 2015

Are you a herbivore or carnivore???

Let us not waste any time by beating around the bush.  Please take a look at this list and  answer the questions honestly without any discrimination, towards yourself, or others.

  Let's do this together.

1. Are you a herbivore? If so, why?

2. Are you  carnivorouss? If so, why?

3. Do you have any health problems?  If so, why?

4. Are you mentally capable of comprehending wisdom? If so, how?

5. Are you an honest person who thinks for the betterment of all there is?  If so, why?

6. Are you a person who gets up in the morning and goes to sleep at night knowing, that, they have done their duty to serve others?  If so, why?

7.Are you a person who knows that each one is actually connected to all life forms on every plane and beyond?

8. Are you a consciously aware of every action you take toward yourself and others?

9. Are you aware of the Karma-less food? If not, why not?
Are you aware of the animal kingdom suffering, when you are ingesting their meat not for health reasons, but due to your addictive personalty?

10. Are you kind to your pet?  If so, why?
Would you eat your pet?

11. Are you kind to all life forms?

12. Are you aware that all the nutrition you ever need is available to you from  plant source (grains, seeds, nuts, vegetable, fruits)?

Have you 
Asked your self who am I today??? The students want to know.

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