Monday, September 16, 2013

The Law of Threes

Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth!

A pupil asked me one day, "What is the Law of Threes?" This was something he had  heard me teaching in one of my classes. 

I explained to him that it is the Father, Mother, the Son and The Holy Spirit. Then he said, "But that is Four."

I then responded that the Father and Mother are one.

He wanted to know why I continually teach about it.  I was impressed by his curiosity. Intuitively, I knew he was oblivious to my teachings and I thought that this would be a wonderful opportunity in which he could learn.

On that particular day of inquiry, I happened to be preparing a raw pudding dessert for two guests that had been invited for a training. I took out  a fresh coconut, blueberries, and mangoes. I cracked open the coconut, poured out the milk into a bowl, cut the flesh into pieces and shredded them. I washed the blueberries and sliced the mangoes.  The pudding eventually was made and was so delicious that I wanted to share with all three of them.  The first two pupils each took a spoonful into their mouths and were so happy tasting the flavors that they kept the spoonful in their mouths to absorb and savor the delectable and healthy richness. The third pupil, the one who had been curious about the Law of Threes, saw that the others were enjoying the dessert so much that he took a large, four inch stainless steel cooking ladle from the drawer, filled it with the pudding and ate out of it with a spoon, oblivious to the needs or wants of the others. He then refilled that same ladle twice and then a third time. It was quite interesting to observe. By the third time, the pudding was completely gone, leaving none for others.

Do you think the pupil learned about the Law of Threes?

So, I am telling all of you citizens of Mother Earth that if you give to someone once, it will be rewarded in threes, but if you take from others, it will be taken from you not once, not twice, but three times times three!!!  It does not matter what you take, whether it be money, love, material possessions, food or a peaceful state of mind, you will be "rewarded" accordingly.  For those who do not believe in the Law of Threes,  and live in a state of oblivion unbeknown to themselves, I urge you to look again at your actions. I want you to know that for every action, there is a reaction.

What have you given today? Have you taken away anything lately? Do you feel the effects of either?

I am the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and I will Be There.

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