Friday, September 6, 2013

I'll Do It Tomorrow

 I'll do it tomorrow.......

But when tomorrow comes, I will do it another day.

Words, Words, Mere Words.

What do you mean by that? my friend asked me.

Have you ever found yourself making grand promises and never fulfilling them? Have you ever had a friend who made you a promise and never kept it? Are you one of those people? And if you are one of those people, when are you planning on changing the mere word into one of action?  Man has only his word in this world.

If the words you speak that come out of your mouth do not manifest in the true form of benevolence and intention for the highest good then your words are just words and a waste of your precious breath.

For instance, I hear from many people those New Age words of love, peace, healing coming from someone’s mouth, and then nothing manifests from them in their daily actions or way of life. I see that the way they live in their environment is anything but peace, love etc.

My friend still didn’t understand the meaning of this so I was thinking of an example to give him when sitting at a café. At that moment, I asked the café owner about a dilapidated wooden flower box outside his shop. He was quite busy with his family life and business to tend to it and a few customers had noticed it and had promised to make him a new one, but he is still waiting. A new flower box would enhance not only the café owner’s business but also beautify the environment of the patrons.
I then approached another café patron and asked him what he thinks of the concept of “I’ll do it tomorrow”. At that present moment he was having a conflict with a legal client regarding the promises she had made to complete some requirements before tomorrow's court date and that it has complicated her own situation and has aggravated him. So, you see, the entanglement of one person’s promise to another seems to affect many people’s lives.

Think before promising something unless you intend to follow through with it because your karma and that of those you entangle with will not be positive.





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