Thursday, September 19, 2013

Passionfruit 9:19:13

Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth

One evening I had the urge to return to the passionfruit vine that I passed each morning on an early walk. It was as if the fruit had called me.  This particular fruit  is only ready for consumption when it falls off from the vine. It is self-sustaining. It does not need to be fed water as it holds its own fluids (absorbed from the morning dew) like the amniotic sac, which symbolizes life-giving forces.  Because of this decision to return to the fruit of the Gods, I met my long, lost master as it was prearranged by the Divine sequence.

Finally, I have arrived at the home of Master. It was a coordination of the hearts. Again, I was reminded of the Law of Threes, the Trinity. Being my teacher reminded me that in the Hindu mythology, there is the Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver) and Shiva (the Destroyer).

The closest metaphor to the Hindu mythology is that Brahma the Creator  resembles the root and the vine. Vishnu, the preserver, represents the hard shell of the passion fruit the protector of the seed of life. Shiva, the Destroyer, reminds one of  the consumption of the fruit, which is sweet. Destruction is not necessarily a negative or bitter term;  it is simply the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.   This Trinity is the closest meaning to being reborn while still in this body.

Have you allowed yourself to be renewed in Spirit like the fruit of the divine vine? If, so, please share others, so they too can be renewed.


I AM.The Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for guidance and IT will be there.

In Order to Understand Immortality, One Must Understand Mortality!

Are you in a hurry to bury your own parents? If so, why?
It seems that every time I talk to people who are lucky enough to have parents still living, they are in a hurry to bury them. Why? I ask them this question and what I hear is utter horror. The disputes have already started amongst the siblings over who gets what and how much money will be divided. All this does is to divide the family forever creating chasms and bitterness and ill will to be passed forward to their own children.
What is the solution to this dilemma? Is there one in fact?
Do not forget that whatever your action is, there is a reaction.  Are you a loving parent with no conditions attached? Do you think of your actions as reactions upon your offspring?  Are you a loving child who only wants the best for his parents in their sunset years and will allow them to spend all their savings on enjoying their lives without worrying about what YOU won't inherit?
I  also have met many of those who refuse to think about the fate of their possessions during their lifetime, and knowingly want to leave the mess for the living to clean up upon their own demise.  For instance, I recently met a person who collects junk as a hoarding obsession. The yard is full of junk and anything under the sun. He is afraid to do anything with them "just in case", When I asked him what he will do with all of this when his time comes to leave his bodysuit, he said, "I couldn't punish my family when they were alive so I will punish them when I'm dead. It will be their problem."
Are you kind to your parents? A woman I met recently was crying that she moved two thousand miles to live near her only daughter to help her with the grandchildren and had recently been kicked out of her home and had to live in a motel.  Where is your conscience when it comes to one's own family members? Is this the way you would want to be treated?
Is money the center of your world? If so, why? And where will you take it when you leave this third dimension?  Food for thought.
I am the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask For Guidance and I will Be There.

Invitation to Presentation

To All Citizens of Mother Earth!

You are cordially invited to a presentation by the Mystic at BOOKENDS BOOKSTORE in Meiner's Oaks (Ojai area), California. I would love to see you at the address of 110 S. Pueblo Street at 6:00 p.m.

The Mystic will be demonstrating how, with just using natural, fresh, Karma-less ingredients, one can raise the frequency of the body to obtain a higher standard of health and well-being.

All living things have a frequency. The highest frequency available is that which is in the most natural state, one that has not been disrupted or contaminated, processed or adulterated.

There will be a demonstration of making an ancient dish accompanied by a discussion on what is Karma-Less food with samples to be tasted. Expect a delightful and educational experience for all.

This presenter has been living in Ojai, California for the past decade. He has extensively studied and practiced microbiology, time dilation, time distortion, time travel, the human dna, the human psyche, the way of Human behavior, their dietary habits and the human dilemma. He has studied pre-Atlantis archeology, sociology and anthropology. He has a broad spectrum of understanding about other life forms in other Universes. The Mystic has arrived to learn about the Human dilemma here on our planet.


You will be privileged to hear excerpts from R.J. Harris before the presentation from her book:The Year of Becoming Gracia: A Necessary Adventure Exploring Dying, Living and Healing. This book was a precursor for her subsequent writing with the Mystic.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Law of Threes

Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth!

A pupil asked me one day, "What is the Law of Threes?" This was something he had  heard me teaching in one of my classes. 

I explained to him that it is the Father, Mother, the Son and The Holy Spirit. Then he said, "But that is Four."

I then responded that the Father and Mother are one.

He wanted to know why I continually teach about it.  I was impressed by his curiosity. Intuitively, I knew he was oblivious to my teachings and I thought that this would be a wonderful opportunity in which he could learn.

On that particular day of inquiry, I happened to be preparing a raw pudding dessert for two guests that had been invited for a training. I took out  a fresh coconut, blueberries, and mangoes. I cracked open the coconut, poured out the milk into a bowl, cut the flesh into pieces and shredded them. I washed the blueberries and sliced the mangoes.  The pudding eventually was made and was so delicious that I wanted to share with all three of them.  The first two pupils each took a spoonful into their mouths and were so happy tasting the flavors that they kept the spoonful in their mouths to absorb and savor the delectable and healthy richness. The third pupil, the one who had been curious about the Law of Threes, saw that the others were enjoying the dessert so much that he took a large, four inch stainless steel cooking ladle from the drawer, filled it with the pudding and ate out of it with a spoon, oblivious to the needs or wants of the others. He then refilled that same ladle twice and then a third time. It was quite interesting to observe. By the third time, the pudding was completely gone, leaving none for others.

Do you think the pupil learned about the Law of Threes?

So, I am telling all of you citizens of Mother Earth that if you give to someone once, it will be rewarded in threes, but if you take from others, it will be taken from you not once, not twice, but three times times three!!!  It does not matter what you take, whether it be money, love, material possessions, food or a peaceful state of mind, you will be "rewarded" accordingly.  For those who do not believe in the Law of Threes,  and live in a state of oblivion unbeknown to themselves, I urge you to look again at your actions. I want you to know that for every action, there is a reaction.

What have you given today? Have you taken away anything lately? Do you feel the effects of either?

I am the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and I will Be There.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013



Greetings To All Citizens of Mother Earth!!

Do you find yourself working for an employer who underpays you for your effort? And because of this, you feel entitled to take stocked goods that do not belong to you and that you have not paid for.

Who does one determine what is valid or otherwise.

If an employer expects the employee to work long hours, with low pay that denies the do benefits, then perhaps the employer needs to recognize that there is a underlying potential of an avalanche of problem in the employee-employer relationship soon to surface and to be dealt with.

If an employee feels threatened by the unjust selfish behavior of the employer and being robed from the do benefits, then what is left to do in terms reciprocation? Unreasonable hourly wages, forced to work extremely long hours, for this kind of situation one should except turbulence in which it may resort to pilfering from the pile of goods that has been accumulated and preserved by greed of the employer .

How can any one deal with the unbalanced pilfering mind set that leaves negative side effects on the cheater and the cheated.

How does this “entitlement”  affect a person?

I would like to give you an example of what does this mean. 

When I was a student and living with a family, the head of the household was working in a restaurant. Every day, at the end of his\her shift, would come home with a bag full of food from that restaurant for his\her own kitchen. the reason being it was that at the end of the day the workers would receive leftover food that would otherwise have been thrown out. However, he\she was actually bringing home perfectly good produce, expensive baking ingredients and refrigerated delicacies. There was no way this would be considered leftovers.  This deplorable action created a reaction in his life within his family. The family was always struggling to pay bills so this “extra food” was obviously not saving the family but only creating a whirlwind of angst and distrust between each member of the family. It also affected me and my studies because this feeling of dishonesty permeated throughout each crevice of the family structure. It was a most unpleasant situation for everyone. 

Was this stealing, or was it entitlement? What kind of reaction was this action creating?

The employer must endeavor to create a family structure within his own company to foster a feeling of unity and belonging so that each action is of the highest intention from and for all. 

Do you feel entitled today as an employee or employer, and if so, why?

Wild bob cat.just wanted to eat does this mean its entitled? Let the reader decide.

Friday, September 6, 2013

I'll Do It Tomorrow

 I'll do it tomorrow.......

But when tomorrow comes, I will do it another day.

Words, Words, Mere Words.

What do you mean by that? my friend asked me.

Have you ever found yourself making grand promises and never fulfilling them? Have you ever had a friend who made you a promise and never kept it? Are you one of those people? And if you are one of those people, when are you planning on changing the mere word into one of action?  Man has only his word in this world.

If the words you speak that come out of your mouth do not manifest in the true form of benevolence and intention for the highest good then your words are just words and a waste of your precious breath.

For instance, I hear from many people those New Age words of love, peace, healing coming from someone’s mouth, and then nothing manifests from them in their daily actions or way of life. I see that the way they live in their environment is anything but peace, love etc.

My friend still didn’t understand the meaning of this so I was thinking of an example to give him when sitting at a café. At that moment, I asked the café owner about a dilapidated wooden flower box outside his shop. He was quite busy with his family life and business to tend to it and a few customers had noticed it and had promised to make him a new one, but he is still waiting. A new flower box would enhance not only the café owner’s business but also beautify the environment of the patrons.
I then approached another café patron and asked him what he thinks of the concept of “I’ll do it tomorrow”. At that present moment he was having a conflict with a legal client regarding the promises she had made to complete some requirements before tomorrow's court date and that it has complicated her own situation and has aggravated him. So, you see, the entanglement of one person’s promise to another seems to affect many people’s lives.

Think before promising something unless you intend to follow through with it because your karma and that of those you entangle with will not be positive.





Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Clutter Attack!!!!

 Reflection, Contemplation, Self examination
Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth

 Have you had time to unpack the card board boxes of life?
 Clutter attack!!!

I was asked one day when helping a couple, to clear out the clutter of the denatured life they chose in a house not a home, “What do you mean by clutter attack?” 

I responded, “Is your environment cluttered up by this materialistic world? Are you part of this false economy? Are you supporting the clutter-minded system in the state of illusion, spinning around the accumulated mental and material possession with the destination of nowhere? Have you ever examined the place where you reside as if you are at home with divine oneness, or on the contrary?

 Consumerism is consuming the consumer.
 Just as possession possesses the possessor.

The couple wanted me to give an example of what quote means.

“Have you ever found yourself at a shopping mall having a desire to acquire useless trinkets by purchasing someone else’s invention produced by the sweat of the unjustly treated labor force? After getting home You realizes  that you had no use for it to begin with, and therefore the energy is wasted down the sewer. Have you ever been gifted an item that has created a burden upon you?”

 Then, the couple  asked once again  what I meant by a gift being a burden.

“Someone else’s idea of a gift becomes an entanglement with the person and also the item given.  A  superficial attachment it forms, which is difficult to release emotionally and physically.
 I will give you  an example of a spider web metaphor and how it hinders ones life.

Let’s say you walk into ancient spider web. You become caught in it, and an attempt to break free by pulling the web strands off ones path. That means you recognize the web as predatory  trap towards you and you endeavor to break free, and choose to do so for the safety of your existence, You can see the resemblance of the spider in terms of deception in the consumerism society. There is also a choice whether you break free on the of that web, and also make sure that you do not walk into another one.

 Do you understand now?”

Yes Mystic. I do understand.
I AM. the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and It will be there.