Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth!!
Today, down at the market place,
I learned something new about human behavior. As I was looking at a variety of
rice that was displayed in bulk bins, my personal inquiry to one of the store
patrons was about one of the items that contained black rice. On the
ingredients, there was the label, KOSHER.
I asked the patron what this meant. She said the food was grown in
respect to God, in the respectful way of Jewish people. Kosher means fit to consume.
In the bin right next to this
rice bin, was dried pet food called Beef
Yummies (not labeled kosher). I called over the owner of the store (all
employees are owners so they should take a personal interest in this issue) and
explained to him that next to a kosher labeled item is a pet food item made
from non-kosher ingredients. If kosher means “fit” for consumption, why are
these two items placed one next to the other? Does not the label kosher next to
a non-kosher pet food negate the kosher item?
I asked the owner if there is any
distinction between the animal food and the food for human consumption. He
said, “Of course.”
I asked him if he had read Animal
Farm in high school. He had. I then asked him what the meaning of the book
was. “The time will come when there will be no distinction between the
four-legged swine and the two-legged man.”
The question now is, is it too
late? Is the time upon us now to change
our ways and be more respectful of all living creatures including ourselves? If you look at the picture of the animal cell at the top of this page, and then at the Human cell below, you may want to ask, why are we integrating the animal cell into the human body? Will we not pay the consequences with Karma on our Body, Soul and Spirit?
Human Cell
This is the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and I will be There.
Human Cell
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