Friday, July 26, 2013

5000 Year Old Chinese RECIPE: Raw, Vegan

The wise ancient. 

In the era before time was invented (to suppress humanity) by the modern linear mind, the Ancient ones (in the Chinese region before the continents split) knew the essence of life. They understood astrology, mathematics, science, intricate architectural design and most important the connection to natures source.

  5000 year old Raw, Vegan, Chinese Recipe

Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth!

Back in Their daily dosage of nutritional sustenance was based on the simplicity of plant-based food. The Ancient ones knew not to kill animals. They understood the Karmic law. They respected all life forms and walked among those creatures because they were all considered sacred without distinction. The language between them was telepathic. There was no thought of harming for one’s own palatable or profitable gain. And then, suddenly, the western barbarian influence infiltrated and contaminated that sacred region.

Today, we all know the results of that change. I am here now to remind you to return back to your pristine essence. NATURE is the answer. You are not separate from it. Refrain from your ways of the western mind and the false isms If you can read between the lines, read the ingredients of the following recipe.

Did you know that a scribe in China could write a poem on one grain of rice?

 Asian Vegetable Bowl

2 C chopped Bok Choy (cruciferous vegetable for breast and prostate health)

½ C chopped parsley

¾ tsp Chinese five spices (optional)

1 C soaked almonds (min. 12 hours) chopped (calcium)

½ C Mung Beans sprouted

5 Scallions, slivered

½ C Sunflowers sprouted

1 stem Broccoli (cruciferous) finely diced

1 Carrot shredded

1 C sprouted brown rice

1 TBSP grated Ginger


4 TBSP Gluten-free low sodium soy sauce/tamari (optional)

1TBSP Sesame Oil

1 tsp Rice Vinegar

Pinch hot mustard seeds ground (optional)

Combine dressing ingredients together with vegetables and let marinate about ½ hour before serving.

Serve on Cabbage leaf bowl. Enjoy your living food full of nutrients and enzymes!

Thank you for returning back to your pristine, pure essence.

Quiz question:  Who discovered the north continent first? Was it the Spaniards or the Chinese?

I AM. The Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for guidance and IT will be there.

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