Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Meal of the Gods

Greetings to all Citizens of Mother Earth!

Have you checked your ph balance lately?
Just as you would check your fish tank to ascertain whether the water is suitable for your beloved fish to live in a healthy environment, you should check your own ph balance for your personal ph environment!  You can buy these strips at any health food store.  If it is 7.0 then you are doing very well.  If not, perhaps this recipe should help equalize your ph balance.

Meal of the Gods.
Sprouts 1/4 cup each of Mung beans, yellow and green split peas, buckwheat, quinoa
1/4 cup Walnuts, chopped
1/4 cup Pecans chopped
Beet stalks, 1/2 cup chopped
Parsley 1 bunch minced
Cilantro  1 bunch minced
Garlic 5 cloves garlic
Onion 1 large, minced
Carrots 5 chopped small
Ginger 2 tbsp. minced
2tbsp Olive Oil
2tbsp flax seed oil
1tbsp sesame oil
Lemon juice  of two lemons or to taste
Sea salt or Himalayan salt to taste
Combine all ingredients and toss gently into a large bowl.
Serve over Romaine lettuce or red lettuce leaves and eat heartily with compassion. 
Serving for 4 Healthy people or several meals for 1 person. It is a good idea to eat the same food within 24 hours.
May the Gods manifest in your soul for eating a Karma-less food.

I AM. The Mytic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and IT will be there.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Are you a True Healer Free of Karma?

Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth!

I come here from another realm to check upon this planet’s inhabitants and the state in which they live on a spiritual level. Or not. It is up to each one of you to examine how you conduct your lives, behave towards your fellow being, nature and the animal kingdom.

I have been quite shocked, to say the least, about this term, “healer” in this New Age of Enlightenment. If you claim to be a “healer” and are a meat-eater and /or eat any processed product, that indicates that you are lacking in discipline and therefore have not passed the test or initiation. If that is so, you have no business even mentioning that word “healer” because you are a caged hamster spinning the fruitless wheel. One who is supposedly a “healer” should never advocate the killing and/or eating of an innocent animal and then perhaps justifying this act for the benefit of health. On the contrary, consuming animal products is the generator of all dis-eases that has plagued humanity. If that is who you are, I suggest that you reconsider your actions. Return to the elementary class of inquiry and ask yourself the question, who am I really?

Also, If you consider yourself a “healer”, and you partake in any form of intoxication of any substance on a physical or metaphysical plane, then you are a polluter in the third dimension in  multi-dimensional worlds. After all, everything is connected in the fabric of space. By practicing on such a dense level you rob yourself and other’s energy in the name of spirituality. I command you right this moment to seize your action and/or find another line of work.
 If you could substitute your toxic ways of drinking for a clear glass of water, then you will be benefitting the temple of your soul.   You will then be a great example for others to follow. That is a true healer!!

 I am the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and I will be there.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Philosophy of Responsiblity

The Philosophy of Responsibility


What does it mean to be responsible? It begins with intention! What does intention mean? What is your daily aim in your life?

How do you start your day? And how your thoughts  imprints your daily action?

Today, for example, if I set my intention on having an unconditionally productive day, that would be the manifestation of my thought. Unconditional because I would not let anything interfere or intercept my  benevolent intention's. Therefore, I am flowing with the order of the Universe.

Perhaps, your responsible intention is to eat no other life forms, not to be part of the meat-eating society that grips one and hinders one’s light from shining. It may slow down your spiritual progress, keeping you an agent to the imperialistic, unworthy and unnatural believe system that is against life progress by supporting the war machine which is against Humanity!

Food for Thought.

I AM. the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and IT will be there.

Friday, July 26, 2013

5000 Year Old Chinese RECIPE: Raw, Vegan

The wise ancient. 

In the era before time was invented (to suppress humanity) by the modern linear mind, the Ancient ones (in the Chinese region before the continents split) knew the essence of life. They understood astrology, mathematics, science, intricate architectural design and most important the connection to natures source.

  5000 year old Raw, Vegan, Chinese Recipe

Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth!

Back in Their daily dosage of nutritional sustenance was based on the simplicity of plant-based food. The Ancient ones knew not to kill animals. They understood the Karmic law. They respected all life forms and walked among those creatures because they were all considered sacred without distinction. The language between them was telepathic. There was no thought of harming for one’s own palatable or profitable gain. And then, suddenly, the western barbarian influence infiltrated and contaminated that sacred region.

Today, we all know the results of that change. I am here now to remind you to return back to your pristine essence. NATURE is the answer. You are not separate from it. Refrain from your ways of the western mind and the false isms If you can read between the lines, read the ingredients of the following recipe.

Did you know that a scribe in China could write a poem on one grain of rice?

 Asian Vegetable Bowl

2 C chopped Bok Choy (cruciferous vegetable for breast and prostate health)

½ C chopped parsley

¾ tsp Chinese five spices (optional)

1 C soaked almonds (min. 12 hours) chopped (calcium)

½ C Mung Beans sprouted

5 Scallions, slivered

½ C Sunflowers sprouted

1 stem Broccoli (cruciferous) finely diced

1 Carrot shredded

1 C sprouted brown rice

1 TBSP grated Ginger


4 TBSP Gluten-free low sodium soy sauce/tamari (optional)

1TBSP Sesame Oil

1 tsp Rice Vinegar

Pinch hot mustard seeds ground (optional)

Combine dressing ingredients together with vegetables and let marinate about ½ hour before serving.

Serve on Cabbage leaf bowl. Enjoy your living food full of nutrients and enzymes!

Thank you for returning back to your pristine, pure essence.

Quiz question:  Who discovered the north continent first? Was it the Spaniards or the Chinese?

I AM. The Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for guidance and IT will be there.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Are you Kosher in Every Way of Your Life?

Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth!!

Today, down at the market place, I learned something new about human behavior. As I was looking at a variety of rice that was displayed in bulk bins, my personal inquiry to one of the store patrons was about one of the items that contained black rice. On the ingredients, there was the label, KOSHER.  I asked the patron what this meant. She said the food was grown in respect to God, in the respectful way of Jewish people.  Kosher means fit to consume.

In the bin right next to this rice bin, was dried pet food called Beef Yummies (not labeled kosher).   I called over the owner of the store (all employees are owners so they should take a personal interest in this issue) and explained to him that next to a kosher labeled item is a pet food item made from non-kosher ingredients. If kosher means “fit” for consumption, why are these two items placed one next to the other? Does not the label kosher next to a non-kosher pet food negate the kosher item?

I asked the owner if there is any distinction between the animal food and the food for human consumption. He said, “Of course.”

I asked him if he had read Animal Farm in high school. He had. I then asked him what the meaning of the book was. “The time will come when there will be no distinction between the four-legged swine and the two-legged man.”

The question now is, is it too late?  Is the time upon us now to change our ways and be more respectful of all living creatures including ourselves? If you look at the picture of the animal cell at the top of this page, and then at the Human cell below, you may want to ask, why are we integrating the animal cell into the human body? Will we not pay the consequences with Karma on our Body, Soul and Spirit?
                                                                             Human Cell
This is the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and I will be There.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Candy Lane or Cancer Lane?

 Greetings to all Citizens of Mother Earth!

Is candy the sweet thief of life or is it a life giver?

Just yesterday I walked into a large bulk supermarket that had just opened locally. There were 4 aisles of bulk bins that included grains, nuts, seeds but most of all, rows of bulk bins filled with CANDY. The question I ask you is, are you choosing the sweet candy lane or the living food lane?  Is this a Candy lane or a Cancer lane? There is a reason that I ask you this question.

Sugar sales annually are over $100 billion dollars a year worldwide. If you have the courage to calculate what this means per capita per year, you are on the way to enlightenment.

 The displays are colorful and enticing for adults and children alike. Can you imagine what the profit is for candy?  The profiteers persuade the consumer to buy sugar-infested products for their own gain and the loss of the Human family. The average consumer in America eats on the average of 150 lbs. of sugar per year. This is outrageous. With our economy right now I am meeting people who are suffering financially and they tell me that eating sugary, refined and processed foods are more affordable for them than buying wholesome, nutritious foods. What is wrong with this picture?

Is it the responsibility of the government to look out after the people, therefore ban processed sugar products altogether or is it the responsibility of each individual to acquire and self-educate to become a “self-doctor” and therefore prevent these manufactured dis-eases?
What is manufactured dis-ease?  The scientists who are hired by the drug companies and by government institution understand how cellular dysfunction is produced. Therefore, they have created this “diet plan” for the social disorder. I was outraged and astounded to read that the prevalence of diagnosed and pre-diagnosed diabetes in America is over 100 million but global count is over 1 billion. The interconnectedness of all cultures, races and communities throughout the world has affected general health through the western linear mind that is driven by profit through capitalism.

 Gandhi was once asked by one of his followers if it was okay to eat sugar.  He replied, “Come back in 30 days and I will have the answer for you.” In those thirty days, he became jittery, his moods were volatile, he had sleep disorders and he gained weight. When the follower returned, Gandhi told her the answer, “No” and proceeded to tell her all the negative, unhealthy symptoms that he had by eating sugar.
No matter from what perspective you view this human dilemma, either from the Eastern philosophy, the western linear mind, the Middle Eastern philosophy, Nomadic philosophy, Noetic science, or from the many African tribal philosophies, it is a very teary onion.

The sweet sugar taste ends up being bittersweet in the end. Sugar is acidic and therefore, mucus-forming. When you are on a predominately acid-forming diet which is produced by sugar products (and animal products) versus an alkaline-forming diet (whole, plant-based foods) you are feeding yourself a disease.  The acidic mucus membrane goes through your heart arteries and begins to bore a hole in the arteries and heart itself.  Then, the bad cholesterol LDL (HDL is the good cholesterol) rushes to fill the hole in our artery or the muscle of the heart which clogs the flow of the blood. Therefore blood circulation becomes restricted which slows or blocks kidney filtration and eventually decreases the health of the liver. The cancerous cells begin to proliferate and the replication process of a healthy, normal cell  decreases weakening the immune system and compromising the whole body. Each part of the body creates a different reaction to this decaying process causing multiple organ failures.

The human body being biochemically misunderstood, when treated with respect and proper living with nutritional and living food introduced to it, it will restore itself.

The Human race finds useless activities to imprint in our children (through the educational system and useless fanciful holidays i.e. Halloween and birthdays) horrific cellular memories making them obligated and associated to sugar for the rest of their lives.  This is also true for animal product eaters by the way.

What are you lacking in your life when you grab that package of candy? The question remains, are you a purist or are you polluted?

If you are suffering from any chronic disease, I can help you reverse the process with the power of your agreement.

I am the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for guidance and I will be there.





Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Invitation to Rejuvenation of Your Cellular Structure for Optimum Health

 Greetings To all Citizens of Mother Earth!!

I am cordially inviting you to a free public PRESENTATION at the Ojai Library in Ojai, Ca. for THE MYSTIC IN YOUR KITCHEN.  I will be a demonstrating  food preparation  while I elaborate on biometric, high vibrational, nutritious and energetic ways of food consumption to rejuvenate and regenerate your body, spirit and mind.  Come and experience the food of Champions!!!
Saturday July 20, 2013 at the Ojai Library in Ojai Avenue, 111 East Ojai, California 93023  (805) 646 1639.
2-3 pm.
Be Open for a New Experience!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Raw Salad of Champions


 Greetings to all Citizens of Mother Earth!

Raw Salad of Champions RECIPE
Have you figured out a way to prepare delicious food without spending a fortune?

Have you looked inside your kitchen cupboards lately to find that all the condiments and spices have gone stale and that you didn’t need them to begin with?

These are the ONLY basic main ingredients you need:

·        Onions

·        Garlic

·        Sea salt

·        Olive Oil

·        Flax Seed Oil (to prepare only raw meals)

·        Lemons

·        Cinnamon

·        Turmeric or Saffron

These above ingredients are wonderful for salad dressings, a stew base, a topping, or a masala base.
If one eliminates sucrose, corn syrup, carbonated drinks, animal products (especially if you claim to be an animal-lover) and packaged, processed "foods" from your diet, then you are on the road to balancing your blood pressure.
One may also ask why only these simple ingredients? This is so you will be able to taste the main ingredient ie vegetables or certain grains in your meal.
If there is anything else in your cupboard, empty completely and throw them in the garbage.
Do you know what drink is best for your meals?
Wrong. The answer is NOTHING!!!! It is far better to drink 20 minutes before or 20 minutes after a meal to allow the salivary glands to aid the digestive enzymes to work. In this way, the nutrients you have just eaten will be absorbed and digested.

Raw Salad of the Champions (serving for four)

One head of Romaine lettuce
Four leaves swiss chard finely chopped
Two leaves of kale
¼ Dried cranberries (unsweetened) ¼ cup
½ Cup Walnuts crumbled
1 Cup Arugala or Water Cress  chopped
One head beet shredded finely
2 Medium cucumbers finely diced
One whole medium onion finely diced

Salad Dressing

One medium lemon juiced                                                                    One pinch of salt or to taste

Flax seed oil 2 T                             Olive Oil 1T           2 Cloves garlic crushed                 One sliver Ginger (grated in garlic press)


Mix all ingredients in a bowl, stir together. Add the chopped kale and swiss chard to this mixture to marinate about 10 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients after 10 minutes and mix in a large bowl, gently folding.

Enjoy the Salad of Champions loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein and omegas!!!!

This is the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and I will be there.




Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Addiction in Your Kitchen

Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth!

The Addiction in Your Kitchen

The other day I invited a couple to my home who had suffered from multiple addictions. The wife had addictions to sex, alcohol, prescription drugs and hanging out at night clubs. She was quite self-absorbed and busy posting on the web about trivial matters and personal dramas.

The husband had different addictions than the wife: watching sports on tv, surfing the web, non-stop texting, working on his car in his garage, and spending more time with the “boys” at the race track.

I asked the couple what was in their kitchen cupboard. The husband replied, “My wife has more liquor than you can find in a liquor store and more prescription drugs than you can find at the pharmacy”. The husband cried that whenever they visit others or have guests that suddenly the friends or family develop some pains or illness that they hadn’t had before.

I told them that these people are picking up the elementals or negative energies of the alcohol and drug addictions. Those with addictions carry with them dark energies that hang around and spread themselves to friends, family and work associates.

Their own pets tended to get some sort of depression or anxiety every time they got near these addicted ones.

When I asked them how they have fallen into these tendencies, they both looked at each other and sadly said that they were not happy and had married the wrong person. They felt stuck because of financial ties.

The question remains, why aren’t you happy today? Are you making someone else well or are you making someone else sick from your addictions?

Are you a well-rounded person and environmentally friendly?

What is missing in your life that you are compelled to replace it with one sort of addiction or another?

Can you be happy for who you are?

Do you want to make a choice between being pure or do you choose to remain in an unconscious state of oblivion by persisting with your addictive behaviors?  Is your blood pickled with alcohol, your mind fogged with drugs, or is your blood sustained with nourishment from the juice of the Gods and your mind as pure as the light?

This is something to ponder for a while (if you have the courage). Are you in denial? Do you realize how your behaviors of addiction affect not only your loved ones, but also the rest of the planet?

I am the Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask me for guidance and I will be there.