Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dessert for Autumn!

Pumpkin Pudding Dessert with Persimmons

 A Gluten-Free, Raw, Sugar-free Vegan Dessert

One cup Chopped Raw Pumpkin
One whole persimmon soft and fully ripened
One cup Chia Seed
16 oz can coconut milk thick
Stevia to taste
5 Leaves Mint from your garden
Ground cloves (one pinch)
Nutmeg (one pinch)
Sea salt (one pinch)
Pulverize the chopped raw pumpkin, persimmon and place in a bowl with the remainder of the ingredients. Stir thoroughly and place in your favorite parfait glasses. Place in the fridge.
Topping Options:
Ground pistachio or sprinkle with cacao bits.

I AM. The mystic in your kitchen. Ask for guidance and IT will be there.  

Friday, November 15, 2013


Pumpkin Nut AUTUMN Loaf


This is an amazing vegan dish that would be welcome at any table! Can serve many or one depending on the appetite!


2 Cups diced Pumpkin

2 Cups Red Quinoa sprouted

1 Cup Sunflower Seed ground

Sea Salt to taste

Cumin 1 tsp or to taste



¼ Cup Coconut Oil    Pomegranate


½ Cup Walnuts

½ Cup Peanuts

½ Cup Sunflower seed whole

1 large red onion, sautéed and caramelized

Preparation for Dish

Place the quinoa, pumpkin and sunflower seeds in a food processor until dough-like.

Take a Pyrex loaf pan, line with parchment paper. Fill it with half the dough mixture and press firmly. Take stuffing mix on top of this, then cover with remaining dough, pressing firmly.

Warm up on the stove top  ¼ Cup Coconut oil and drizzle over this loaf dish. Place in oven at 350 deg for thirty minutes. Remove, let cool and garnish with pomegranates and enjoy! Yummmmmmmmy.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Conscious, Subconscious and the Unconscious

The Conscious, Subconscious, and the Unconscious


Every time I pass by a particular intersection, I cannot help but notice the woman sitting there with the sign she holds with her hands reading:

"I need gas money."

In this case does it suggest gas for her automobile or gas for her body?  In both cases it suggests fuel. It could be a substance or sustenance. Some passers -by pity her, others curse her and some have compassion towards her. The question remains, which one are you of the passers-by?

Are you that woman or man who is standing on that intersection of life?

So, how are we operating today in our lives? Are we operating solely from the conscious level which represents 5% of the intellect in our daily activities?

Or are you operating within the unconscious mind which is swayed by the current of society tossed from one bank of the river into another as a log thrown against the rocks and broken asunder?

Or are you operating on a subconscious level that is programmed from early childhood and has left you with a genetic cellular memory triggered and propelled by tendencies, desires and attachments?

Please ask yourself, “How do I see myself? As a whole being? As a being that consumes adulterated, processed food?

Ask yourself, “Do I see myself from the past childhood habits based on food programming, religious beliefs, false ideologies and false self-identity?”

Ask yourself, “Do I think of myself today as a past experience that had hindered me from childhood? Or do I see myself today as a new, re birthed being of light, based on knowledge and self- examination?”

The question I ask you now, are you that woman or man standing on that intersection living in a vortex of perpetual energies from a past programming?

Or are you the NEW YOU which has started a new, fresh page on life and is actually involved in designing your life instead of having your life designed for you?

Food for Thought.  

I AM. The Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask for Guidance and IT will be there.    

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Is the Kink in the Hose or is it in your MIND?

Is the kink in the hose or is the kink in your mind?

Greetings to All Citizens of Mother Earth.

Was the kink in the hose and did it begin with a kink in your mind?  If there is a kink in my mind, Then one  will project that energy that by kinking  the hose.

If there are lies, lies and more lies, then there eventually will be a time when one runs out of lies. And then what? One is faced with what is?

One day as we were sitting outside at school gathering the food of thought and contemplating it, one of the students of Life decided to disrupt our field of energy. He barged into the space where we were quietly sitting, and began to abruptly and forcefully unwind the garden hose from the winding apparatus it was contained in. He yanked and yanked until the connecting part of the hose tore away from its source and rendered it inoperable. The container's purpose was to prevent the hose from cracking in the heat of the sun and from UV damage as well as the garden hose from kinking preventing the water flow, The hose winder enabled the gardener to utilize and treat the hose with respect, using it gingerly in action. 
The student looked at what had happened by his forceful action, but left it to join the group in an oblivious state of mind.

The members of the class in their peaceful state witnessing the damage and the disruptive sounds of thoughtless one, in wonders of equanimity, but the one who had caused the disruption his deed now is reflected in a  non-functioning hose was strewn over the  his own mental labyrinth  causing havoc for those who dwell in pure conscious at least he tried to create a messy existence, on the flowing path of life. The students continued to look at the dreaming student, the oblivious one, who did not see that he was responsible for his misdeed and the outcome of his causation.
 Are you responsible for the outcome of your actions, and conscious enough to recognize that it is your self the EGO monster who needs to repair the damage? 
 The day had been extremely hot and the beautiful, the edible garden needed  to be watered instantaneously. Are you preventing the growth of your life because you have cut off the water supply of your own life?
What was blocking the mind of this individual? Did he not see that his violent action against the innocent hose and subsequently the edible garden bed was now causing a predicament? What would you have done? Was his heart in the garden or was it strewn elsewhere? Are you for Life, or are you against it? If so, why? 

I AM. The Mystic in Your Kitchen. Ask me for guidance and IT will be there.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Free Presentation in Ventura

Greetings to all Citizens of Mother Earth!

You are cordially invited to a FREE presentation
on Saturday November 2 at 5PM at the

E.P. Foster Library in Ventura, California

You will hear an explanation on the science of veganism.

There will be a tasting of delicious vegan food and an interactive discussion.

I open my arms to all who attend the class!!!