Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is love? The Law of Responsibility.

“What does responsibility mean, Mystic?” A student once asked me.

If you talk of the oneness of humankind and at the same time, you close the door on them , are you not actually closing the door on yourself as well? This could be the door of prosperity, the door of love, it could be the door of harmony, the door of peace or most important of all, the door of the oneness with the One.

“What do you mean by that, Mystic?” he asked me once again.

A  storekeeper I once knew was entrusted to sell goods to all customers that entered his place of business.  He  wondered why his business was failing. The customers were dwindling and sales were down. He called me for consultation. After having engaged in an investigative conversation with him, I learned that he had prejudice with greed. He only wanted to sell to the have's and not to, the have not. The have’s were willing to pay higher prices and he knew that he could hike the prices up as they could afford to pay accordingly. The prices were then out of reach  for the many average or below-average income customers. After one year in business, he realized that his average sales were below the profit table due to items sitting on shelves longer than they were supposed to.  He had lost his leverage. Being an irresponsible storekeeper with a malevolent intent towards his customers and potential customers (which represent all beings), the results became evident  in his own life. He could never salvage his business after that bad reputation he had built for himself.

Those that struggle to pay their debts for the goods that they think they need but do not, are also irresponsible. Why do you think that is so? Because they chose the path of accumulating for the sake of having, and now have difficulties in feeding themselves.
  The food of harmony, peace and oneness with the One.
 Those that owe to others constantly become desensitized to the needs of others in order to survive. 
Is that called responsibility?

Is it responsible to take always from the system, whether it be food stamps, subsidized housing, unemployment checks and then go out for restaurant dinners, buy clothes constantly to feed vanity and be making car payments and fancy cell phone payments?  What does responsibility mean in the end? When we have high intention towards everything that we do in life then that is responsible.

I met a man yesterday that resembled Mark Twain in his appearance. I wanted to see if he had the same morals outlook as this famous author, because we sometimes judge the book by its cover. I shared my thoughts with him that he appeared to be responsible with his actions. After pursuing the conversation with him, I learned that his philosophy of responsibility is to always leave a situation, place, person or thing better and more improved than he found it. To me, I had engaged with a conscious man. Are you responsible in life in a poetic way, as Mark Twain is?

Every being we meet along the way must be treated like a sacred entity with utmost respect. Otherwise, one is irresponsible.
 Which are you? Responsible or irresponsible? 
Are you willing to be responsible in every thought and deed? If not, why not?

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