Monday, October 21, 2013

A Student's Story

Curly Kale, the Monkey Bar and the Butterfly Ripple Effect

The following story was recently composed by a student:

I could not help to notice the look on his face when the Mystic appeared in the mystery classroom just recently.  He had just come from the local nursery where only one week ago he had requested some curly kale seedlings. On this particular day, he went to the nursery to pick up his curly kale, where the shopkeeper was standing on the porch eating an apple, and he greeted her. The forlorn look on her face activated the Mystic to engage in conversation with her to delve into the mystery of her countenance. His intuitive mind together with his compassion for the inhabitants of Gaia spurred the following interaction:

The woman told the Mystic that there were family problems (the Mystic asked her “Who does not have family problems?”) as she pointed to her young daughter who had fallen from the monkey bars in the school playground. Her wrist had been broken from the fall and it was now in a cast. When the story of the monkey bars accident was told to him by the mother, he exclaimed to her that that was a topic he had recently written about in his Galactic Report. The shopkeeper/mother wanted to know more and leaned over to listen.

The Mystic told her that he had written about the useless activities that we, the Earth inhabitants, engage in which also includes as an example, monkey bars. The mother became more attentive as the Mystic relayed the information. “On other more evolved planets, including the Moon, Saturn and Titan, children are already born knowing through telepathic communication. Play is irrelevant to their childhood because they are given responsibilities from the inception and also useful tasks to accomplish such as gardening as they assist the adults. They do not need playground equipment to entertain themselves or exercise. Here on your Planet, the children’s minds are programmed to “think” in the way that works for the good of the malevolent ones.”

 Let’s elaborate on this for a moment, so the reader can relate to this.

 “When a child from the get-go is conditioned through a faulty, false educational curriculum, the child grows into adulthood, unbeknown to him/herself, that they have been brainwashed and conditioned into a system of deception. An example is a sports activity which is extremely harmful to the body and mind. It keeps one in a state of self-conflict. One of the conflicts is to be in competition with fellow school mates which creates disharmony.  The other conflict, is the desire to gain in the form of money or fame. Another conflict is that one already knows that the curriculum is useless to the mind, the future employment and therefore one has spent one’s youth and the most fruitful years to become a liar to the self. One is conditioned to work just to acquire possessions, useless trinkets that binds one into debts chained by the bills of bondage  oppressors.

While the Mystic was talking to her, he noticed that the young daughter was busy reading a book about race horses. Next to her, was a beautiful drawing of a butterfly the girl had recently finished drawing. He asked the young girl whether she knew what the butterfly ripple effect meant and instructed her to look it up if she did not know. The Mystic then continued on to ask the mother how many people were told about the broken wrist after the accident occurred. She went down a long list which included cousins, siblings, neighbors and friends. The Mystic then replied, “You see now how one useless activity can affect the whole include so many who are innocent of the act? That is the butterfly effect. It can go either way, for the good or the bad.

“Which way would you go,” he asked the mystery students. Are you courageous enough to self-educate and not be caught up in this false belief system? If not, why not?
I AM. The mystic in your kitchen ask for giddiness, and IT will be there.

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