Sunday, October 16, 2016

We get ti live another day for the chores

We get to live another day for the chores. 

On this misty holy morning of Sunday, I gathered my notepad case and the produce bag, Into the green fossil fuel box, meandered my way through the slope road, and out of the crevasse of the canyon, yielded onto the death highway, that's armed by mankind arsenals of roaring motorcycles, and diesel trucks, in the era of the long awaited new age of the golden dawn, of carbon monoxide and dioxide, if one happened to be travailing on a public road? Trailing behind a diesel vehicle, the choices given of breathing the toxic fumes, are but only one, at last, by the open market place, where people swap ideas and meet their expectations and needs, Good-Morning senior Ramon, the eighty year slender three and half limbs and the forth half is a hook, had lost its ghost the first day on a job, after passing through the barbwire fence, that separates the native from their own conquered land, so to earn more then one dollar a day, for twelve hour shift, back in the day, at the age of sixteen, his first stop at a tortilla bakery, one hour into the job, the sleeve of his shirt got  caught into the cogwheel of the conveyor belt, last time he would use his hand and forearm, the usual, as I pick the fruits and vegetables simultaneously, a sentence here and there, about his week and some-times about his day.

One hand spooning the shaved red ice Slurpee, and the other hand holding the grande' paper cup, resting it, on his exaggerated protruding girth. 

{Q} The curious customer asks, are you a chef?

{A} No sir, but, I assist those who wishes to transition from animal base habit of eating, to a healthy way of eating.

The man in the chair full of questions, are you vegan? Before I could answer his inquiry, he continues, well my daughter is vegetarian, and she couldn't influence me to follow in her foot steps, but you don't look like a vegan, you're robust stature tells me otherwise.

 In addition to his extended waist, glimmered by shiny metals and stones, that gives him extra balancing weight. chained by the cross around his neck. I waited for him, to take his first breath, after mutable, multiple catapult firing questions. 

{Q} Sir, The sign on your neck it suggest, that you're a devoted Christian, yes?

{A} You better believe it. 

{Q} Thank you for answering, That's fantastic, Sir, that means, you believe in a creator, that created all that we see around us, yes? between his slow inverted snob slurps.

{A} Yes, of course.

{Q} Fair enough, Why a creator would want any one to eat another sentient being that feels pain, and is more aware of nature and tuned to its needs, then all of the two legged put together? 

As he hung him self on his own cross, then he fired his next round of ammunition, by stating profoundly. 

{A} I used to be atheist, and didn't believe, but now, I do. 

{Q} That's wonderful, does this mean that, you don't believe in harming another life form?

{A} No, of course not, but if they don't believe in Christ they'll be gone. 

{Q} Is this why you're eating animal flesh, because they don't believe in Christ?

He paused for a moment, as he glared, realizing his contradiction, of what he just said, to remove the gilt off of his shoulder, yeah, they will be gone in the rapture. 

{Q} Sir, fair enough, my next question if I may? What is your view on the situation in the promised land, where by the so called settlers bulldoze peoples homes and build right on top of the Palestinian ancestral land? 

{A} They don't believe in Christ. 

Sir, neither do the men in black suites and long beards.

Last time i looked the word settler up, It explains;
A person who settle in an area. Typically one with no or a few previous inhabitants.

{Q} Sir If you wish we could continue this conversation, or stop while we can? 

{A} No, no.

{Q} Sir, do you mean no, or no, yes? 

{A} No, I mean, ah, mean yes, we could continue until I finish my shaved ice Slurpee. 

{Q} Sir, then, I better ask the next round, to give you a chance to really enjoy your treat, suddenly his slurping the colored ice, went from one spoon at a time, to double, to triple, by the look on his face, it gave a whole new meaning to Brian freeze. 

{Q} Sir If you don't mind me asking the next sensitive question? What is going to happen to those who belong to a different religion?

{A} They 're going to hell!

{Q} But Sir, A minute ago, you agreed, that the creator, created all and every thing, that means, and including all of the belief systems and dogmas, What happened, he or she has changed its mind, and now ready to condemn it's own creation? 

{A} Due to his excruciating Brian freeze, huffed an puffed, and onto the land of oblivion...

The question remains Is this the age of ignorance or the the age of stupid, Or better yet, the age of the mental  golden cage?. 

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