Sunday, July 24, 2016

Cucumber pesto.

               Cucumber pesto
One pound cucumber thinly sliced one eights of an inch then sliced again into noodle.
Quarter pound of walnut. Five gloves of garlic. Generous amount of fresh italian basil. Three table spoons olive oil. Pinch of salt to your taste. place in a blender or food processor slowly add water to bring it to a thick paste consistency. Place the thin cucumbers noodles in a bowl add the pesto sauce mix gently and serve happly. Mangaire...

The wise speak the up the undeniable truths...

The wise speak up the undeniable truths, and fools remain ignorantly quite.

Together, let us ask the ever unanswered question, that we all yearning to know, what is the purpose of life and is it possible to come up with an answer? In order to go far one must start near.

Lets us begin by the basic inquiry from birth into the three dimensional reality, living on with pain, suffering, from the fading of our youth, into an old age of decrepitude, back to dust, hence, as the legend and tales have told us. Of our origin,  What happens to the individual residual discomfort and agony? Where does it go in the end of each passing cycle? 

We all know by know from the countless research that have been conducted by many scientists and metaphysical practitioners, that energy does not die, be it happy residual or other wise, it continues on living, what building blocks are we creating for the future generation?
 We begin our day with the necessary sustenance intake to maintain the health and long term wellness of our physical form one would hope with all the tainted food supply system, and for others plus substance intake of one kind or another to sedate the physical and the phycological discomfort of the pain and suffering of the statuesque existence, lets not ignore what is around us,  the misfortune of others,  the idea me verses you as we are taught and conditioned in the present day curriculum at Schools, in judicial systems, the false believe of dogma And rituals, then misled astray to accept  the notion of the blind is leading the blind to the destination of no where is the norm,  if one thinks differently, then you are a misfit to society, this dilapidated system of thought impressed upon humanity by self glorified criminals system lords, they call them selfs gods, and they insist on being worshiped otherwise you are a sinner and they dictate which ticket you will get at the end of your treacherous life journey whether paradise or hell, it leaves the individual free of self responsibility this way of life is long due to be overhauled. 

 As we move about with our day whether by going to work to earn a paper called currency once again created by criminals for enslavement purpose for our daily bread by the sweat of our brow or by worrying about what to do next, and between eating and our daily activities, we have evolved into a selfish species an extremely efficient in creating tremendous waste from our minds and bodies and the things we do to the environment by our thoughtless actions, by the end of each passing hour,  day,  week, months then years, in the chaos of all of that, what ever that might be one is involved in , some how we find a fleeting pleasures and fantoms of distractions, then we go on to sleep to begin another dawn in a useless existence, once more, one generation after another one life after another. 
As  the inhabitant constant effort in transcending nature they remain flourishing in the ocean of ignorance. 

 If we begin this investigation is it possible we might find the answer of what life is all about? Or perhaps, we should remain ignorant of our being, due to our action we are killing our mother, Gaia consciously or carelessly,  some wrongfully call it earth, far in discerption from what it is,   it is eighty percent  a body of living water, and the other twenty percent flora fauna and mad people, not excluding, that it is also a  home to the countless intelligent creatures,  in all, it is a living organism, it has conscious, it thinks, more then any genius have ever lived, and yet, we treated with impudent levity, the way we treat each other, and it is angry ready to avenge infliction on the entire life cycle. 
We are mislead by words, created to confuse and to distract which are the main poisoning element of the massacre against the living nature, on into the crafty lies of the origins of life and the history of this planet, in which was created by the colonizing victors of wars who rewrite the history to suite their palavering monopoly,  they only know how to excessively exist, is in their demented lives style is through plundering of the natural resources and robing innocent being out of their vital energy due to the lack of having souls, the way one does one thing is the way one will do all things, they have carved the body of mother and now, it resembles a block of swiss cheese in their action they are oblivious of the unbalanced equilibrium of nature and the inhabitant that they had manipulated for their evil deed of profiting and the exploitation of the helpless humanity. 
In the last one century so mash harm has been inflected upon nature and if they continue on this path of denaturing nature what is tomorrow would be like for the coming generation?
It is obvious of today of the current generation it has been desensitized by the tyrannical authoritative electronically net era, it appears that their is no one is aware of the now and for that matter of each others, they refuses to notice, awareness it commands change no wants to change from the comfort zone of the land of zombies, androids, borgs, and robotoieds, submerged in gilt, intentionally they walk about with blinders on to avoid witnessing their own results of the endless and needless suffering that they have committed and are impressing upon each other also on the animal kingdom mineral kingdom and life it self. So we can go on for another day to record our daily action in the universal book of record, no task ever performed goes on unrecorded or for that matter not a single  breath is taken with out being recorded.
The mighty universal awareness transcends all mortals. The question remains what is the purpose of life
Is self awareness the last frontier. Fear not children the wretched hour of judgment is upon the wicked. Nature always wins.